New owner questions


New Member
We acquired a leopard gecko on Saturday; his previous ownders decided they didn't have the time for him. He's a handsome guy who's age is estimated to be around 2 1/2 years. He looks healthy, not skinny, bright colors, and was pretty calm handling him when we picked him up after being a bit wiggly at first. We were told he's use to eating mealworms and large crickets.

It's now been 3 days and while I'm sure he's still adjusting (we have beardies so we did expect a bit of relocation stress, not instant adjustment) I have a few questions to just confirm we're doing okay. As a note we've not tried holding him since we met him at his previous owner's home.

He has a UTH, tile flooring, a warm hide over that uth that registers between 89-93*, a cool hide that registers around 78-80*, and a moist hide in the middle. His tank is 20g long.

We are offering mealworms 24/7 in a puddle of calcium without D3. We added a few small dubia on day 2. Last night we tossed in a few crickets as well. He doesn't seem to be hunting on his own at all. If we put the mealworms right in front of his warm hide he will s.l.o.w.l.y. come out and eat it. Before he chomps it though he seems to make nudges at it as if he can't really see it. He'll lunge up to 3-4 times before finally biting it. He is sooooo extremely slow I have no idea how he could catch the crickets.

So, my questions are:

Is it normal for him to not be hunting his food, yet eat 5-6 mealworms at a time if we put them outside his hide door? Maybe because we are bringing the food to him he's not hungry at night? My mother heart says, "eat, eat" :).

Is it normal to move turtle-slow?

Do leo geckos have bad eyesight, poor depth perception?

There has been no waste since we got him on Saturday unless it's inside his warm hide where he stays. How often do they use the bathroom?

Am I missing something in his viv or any of his care?

I'm sorry this got so long. I just want to get this right.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
It sounds like you've got everything set up correctly. I can take adult geckos weeks to settle in. Some adults don't eat much anyway. We have a few that can keep a healthy body weight and only a few crickets or superworms a week. You can leave the mealworms in the dish for him but I would wait at least a week before trying to leave any feeders that run around. They can add stress to an already stressed out gecko. Hopefully he just needs some time alone to adjust.


New Member
Thank you. We'll take out the fast feeders. Should we continue to leave mealworms outside his hide or wait til he's hungry enough to find the bowl on his own?


JK Herp
I usually leave mealies in a bowl and if I have time I will drop a couple next to them in their hide.


New Member
Thank you for your help.

He's still eating if we drop the worms in front of his hide. Both son and I (at different times, of course) put our hand in front of his hide last night and he came and licked. He wouldn't take the mealworm from our hand, but didn't seem too concerned with our being there.

My concern now is he's not gone to the bathroom since we've had him, yet he eats something every day. His last owners had him on the bark-type substrate. Maybe he's impacted? Should we stop feeding and remove all food until he poos? Or keep feeding him hoping it pushes on through?

I also have this post on the site I'm active on for our beardies. I'm trying for any help we can get.

Thank you again for your advice.


I would be concerned about impaction. Check his hides for waste (I have some animals that use their hides). Do a quick search on posts regarding impaction, and see if the description fits. Most of the threads will also contain information on home treatment, I'm sure.

Aside from impaction, my adult geckos housed alone barely eat anything at all.

I certainly wouldn't baby him. Keep feeders in a bowl, he'll eat or not. I'm never concerned until they've lost a visible amount of weight.


New Member
We had poo this morning! Last night we gave him a warm soak in a little bath and I dribbled a little olive oil on his nose. He didn't really lick it until he was back in his viv, so I'm not giving the oil toooo much credit. Either he was going to go last night anyway or the bath helped. Either way I'm feeling better about it this morning.

Thank you for the help!

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