New pickups from Designer Geckos plus hatchling update /parents


New Member
New Hampshire
First off I want to thank everyone for all the great support and help I have received from you guys. I am very happy with how my first season is turning out. Back in late fall of 2011 after doing some research on a project that intrigued me, I decided to go with some beautiful geckos from Designer Geckos. The geckos I got are pictured in picture number 5. They are Saria and Link. Saria the female pictured on the right is a Jason Line SHTCT X Blood Hypo. The males name is Link. He is an A&M SHTCT X Electric. I was very pleased to welcome their first hatchlings into the world on 4/22/12 and 4/23/12. The first ones name is Malon. I believe she is Blood Hypo but I also see some Electric in here(Clearification would be great). Second we have Navi. She is what I believe to be an electric. Her colors are absolutely amazing! The third and fourth I just recieved from Ray this past week. The third is Giant possible Super Giant Super Snow male. He is absolutely stunning! Finally we have one of my favorites. She is a Mandarin Lavender Tangerine With amazing patterns. I look forward to next season very much. I have 6 other hatchlings from this father that I will be posting up soon. They are definitely starting to show their colors!

Thank again everyone! Let me know what you think and clearification on number 1 and 2.


Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
Nice ones Rob, and thanks for the plug. Glad to help. The father of that SS is enormous and growing at a steady pace. Hope that SS turns out to be SG. Here's a pic of his father...named Buffalo Bill.

Billy is 114g at just 12 months and is a hulking gecko....good luck with your projects.



Fallen Angel's Geckos
Stockton, CA
I have no insight on clarifying those first two, but they're all gorgeous animals! Best of luck on that SS getting to be Super Giant! The Mandarin Lavender Tangerine is my favorite :sweetheart: Congrats on the babies!


New Member
New Hampshire
Thanks everyone! Ray thanks for posting a pic of the father. Keeping fingers crossed that he reaches that SG stage. I did some new pics of the other 6 hatchlings I hatched out and the before and after pictures are amazing. I love being able to see them grow and see their colors come in. Next season is gonna be a fun one for sure.


New Member
New Hampshire
Thanks guys! Have nothing but satisfaction with Rays Geckos. Im going to post some before and after shots of six other hatchlings that are starting to show their color.

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