Is pine safe for my rat? but i have pine substance in her tank but also with stuff that aborsb water and pee.
I bought a rat foods. it has corns and carrots and lab block something like that.
Oh, congrats! I love, love, love rats! When i had mine, i personally didn't use any of the wooden shavings. I always used shredded newspaper - My boy loooved playing in it.
They are very, very social. She would do best with another rat. I'd get her another female baby to grow up with.
Tanks are NOT GOOD for rats! Alot of places will say aquariums are okay - but i'd never ever put a rat in one. They have very sensitive lungs. She'd do so, so, SO much better in an actual cage. And not one of those horrible small hamster cages. The love to climb so a big cage with two levels would be great! (but not wire levels - thats bad for their feet!) Do a search on rat cages in google and look at images - you'll see some great cages people have bought/made for their rats and the way they're set up. If you search for how to make good home-made cages you could find one that would work for you, and thats not expensive. You could even find a nice bird cage (like a flight cage) and turn it into a rat cage.
As for their diets - i think they should be more varied than just blocks and the store bought mixes. My boy loved having fresh foods everyday.
go with a ferret nation cage and get her some friends, avoid wood shavings as they can promote mites
also they are quite expensive and newspapers or even fleece lining are much more efficent
Just please try and get her out of the aquarium. Ferret Nation cages are GREAT, and can accommodate a couple rats easily. You'll be able to see how much happier and active she'll be in a proper cage with at least one other rat.
Besides, when she's full grown, that ten gallon tank will be much much MUCH to small - she'll barely be able to turn around.
She's young and she is like small. When she get older. i would able to get her cage. She had two large rats and they are in ferret like cages. tall one. But my rat's small than their. But ferrets cage look expensive. Why do i should to get her friend? i switched it to blank printer papers, which is shredded.
Get a multi level barred cage (much like a ferrets)... give them lots of stuff to chew on... For a treat, I found out mine loved greenies. They have them for all sizes at petstores, go for the extra small. Since rats have teeth that never stop growing, they need to constantly be chewing on something.
As for the pine, get her/him off it immediatly. Pine gives rodents respitory problems, and its an unneccesary vet bill. Newspaper is a good substrate cause its eaasy to replace. If your looking for more of a bedding, i reccomend Carefresh. It comes in tons of different colors so its sort of like decorating the cage. I hope this helps. If you have any other questions, please pm me. =] Cute rat btw.
I find that aspen shavings work really well for them. Also with a little rat like yours I wouldn`t go with a ferret nation as the bar gaps are about 1 inch and they can manage to get out sometimes. I would go with a Critter nation instead if you go for a bigger cage.