New Reptile Calculator

Josh P.

New Member
Hello guys,

Has anyone purchased the app "Reptile Calculator - Suite Edition" for the iPhone recently released in the App Store?

If someone has it, please provide some feedback. Thank you.

New Member
Hello guys,

Has anyone purchased the app "Reptile Calculator - Suite Edition" for the iPhone recently released in the App Store?

If someone has it, please provide some feedback. Thank you.


I thought I would answer this, although I am obviosuly biased.

I was one of the developers of Reptile Calculator, and I personally think for version 1.0.2 that we have done a pretty good job.

The website is free to use, but the iPhone and Windows Apps are more integrated in to their respective phone environments and great for when you are not near a computer. They do not require a data connection either.

It's really up to you if you value the cost of the application. There are costs invloved with hosting, submitting app to the app stores. We need to get some money back, somehow. A lot of develoment man hours were put into the application, that is why we are charging a small fee.

We have a dedicated support team, so you are buying in to that as well. The application is supported and we plan multiple upgrades, to improve the calculator and add additional genetics sets.

The website is FREE and you are welcome to use that, but in my opinion it's better to use the app on the mobile devices as they are tailored to the phones.

We have had good feedback so far and several suggestions for future releases.

If you have any questions, please ask or PM me.

Kind regards

Josh P.

New Member
Thanks for stepping in, Andy. I'm considering purchasing the iPhone version, but checking the website it seems to me that the polygenic traits are not included. Not even in the morph catalogue which seems to have very few morphs. Is this also true to the iPhone version?

New Member
Polygenic traits are not included in the calculator, and in my opnion and many others they should not be included. Would you put a carrot tail in a punnett square?

I do agree that we should include the polygenic morphs in the morph library, and we will be doing this, although I would argue that few morphs are missing.

I guess you are talking about banidts, jungles, reverse stripes, red stripes, i can see a pattern emerging.

Please give examples.

I have considered adding poly traits to the calculator, but there are always more reasons I come up with for not putting them in there. Sometime it's best to stick by your guns, although if more people agree and have a valid reason, then we will consider adding them.

We are all for developing the calculator and moving it forward.

Poly traits cannot be included in the percentages, it is just not possible. You could however have them seperate and allow a user to tick them, but the results would then have to be the same as it is now, but you could also add (carrot tail example),

the offspinrg may have some carrot tail.
the offspring has a good chance of showing some carrot tail etc etc

It just doesnt make sense to me, it's a calculator, a caculator should be as accurate as possible, it's not possible to be accurate with poly traits.

You can even breed two extreme carrot tails together and throw junk.

Yes the iPhone version will mimick the calculator. Although we are looking at new genetic sets, and these will be released for the apps first before hitting the website. I feel it is only right that people who have paid for the iPhone and Windows phone version, get the genetic sets first.

If you can sway me on the polygenics then I we will add them. I hope you can see why we have decided to ommit them from the calculator.

We will add them to the morph library. If can you send me a list of missing morphs, I dont think you will find many other than polygenic morphs, then I will add them to the morph library.

Kind regards
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Josh P.

New Member
Adding them to the morph library seems good enough for me. :)

I find the idea of carrying a morph library on my phone very appareling, but currently Ron Tremper's app - Leopard Gecko Pro - seems to have a larger selection of morphs and photographs. If you could improve your library by adding the polygenic-related morphs and the few others that may be missing, making it a very complete morph library, and added photographs for each one and polygenic trait, that would surely make your app the definitive reference resource for leopard geckos.

It seems to have the potential to become an unique key product if it can get those updates.

Josh P.

New Member
Oh and I can surely agree with you when it comes to paying users receiving the content and libraries first than free users on the website. It's fair...

New Member
Adding them to the morph library seems good enough for me. :)

I find the idea of carrying a morph library on my phone very appareling, but currently Ron Tremper's app - Leopard Gecko Pro - seems to have a larger selection of morphs and photographs. If you could improve your library by adding the polygenic-related morphs and the few others that may be missing, making it a very complete morph library, and added photographs for each one and polygenic trait, that would surely make your app the definitive reference resource for leopard geckos.

It seems to have the potential to become an unique key product if it can get those updates.

Thank you for your feedback. It is much appreciated.

All the best

Big Red One

New Member
North West England,UK
I've purchased the iPhone app, very handy and easy to use.

I'd actually agree on polygenic traits, they are unpredictable as Andy says, you literally 'could' or 'could not' get them in any offspring. I believe that these should just be classed as possibles, I don't think they can be accurately calculated....

Oh and I like that one of my geckos is one of the morph pics !


New Member
I've purchased the iPhone app, very handy and easy to use.

I'd actually agree on polygenic traits, they are unpredictable as Andy says, you literally 'could' or 'could not' get them in any offspring. I believe that these should just be classed as possibles, I don't think they can be accurately calculated....

Oh and I like that one of my geckos is one of the morph pics !


Hi Mark,

I guess you have purchased the gecko from one of our image contributors :) It's always nice to see your own gecko.

Thank you for purchasing the app.

We are planning serveral updates, not just genetic sets, but also functionaility. Some of this functionality will only be available in the phone applications and all future updates to the Reptile Calculator are included in your purchase price.

All the best
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Josh P.

New Member
Andy, if possible please let the community around here know when you update your libraries with the polygenic traits. Much appreciated!

New Member
Andy, if possible please let the community around here know when you update your libraries with the polygenic traits. Much appreciated!

Hi Josh,

I will be adding polygenic traits to the morph library this weekend. I will also be adding the ability for users to add their own images.

I will post back when the work has been completed.



Hampton, GA
I just tried out the new and improved calculator. I love it! Great work! And I love that I can turn off trade names... so many different morph names lol. I prefer to call them just what their genetics are :) lol

New Member
Andy, if possible please let the community around here know when you update your libraries with the polygenic traits. Much appreciated!

The Leopard Gecko polygenic traits are now in the morph library. You are also able to upload your own images as well.

Thank you

Josh P.

New Member
The Leopard Gecko polygenic traits are now in the morph library. You are also able to upload your own images as well.

Thank you

Great, thanks Andy.
So many great breeders around here, please support this nice project and upload the images of your best geckos that would represent the morphs/traits still missing in the database!

When will we be having access to this as well on the iPhone?

New Member
Great, thanks Andy.
So many great breeders around here, please support this nice project and upload the images of your best geckos that would represent the morphs/traits still missing in the database!

When will we be having access to this as well on the iPhone?

Hi Josh,

The iPhone version will be updated in due course. We currently have a bug that is causing a problem for a small amount of iPhone users, and we are fixing this now to get an updated release out.

Then we will bring the iPhone version in line and also add more features that are exclusie to the iPhone version.

I will update you all in due course.



New Member
Canandaigua, NY
I was wondering if you could make it so that the calculator had an option that was easy to copy and paste the results, one that did not include the pictures or something like that.

New Member
I was wondering if you could make it so that the calculator had an option that was easy to copy and paste the results, one that did not include the pictures or something like that.


That is on the fetaure list and will be in place during the weekend.

All the best

New Member
How would I enter a tangerine or tangerine enigma.

The simple answer is you can't. Tangerine is a Polygenic trait and the only component that can be calculated in your example is Enigma.

If the male and female are Tangerine, you should get a good amount of Tangerine passed down. If one is Tangerine, then you are likely to get some tangerine influence, although this is not always the case. You have to think in them sort of terms.

The same can be said for other traits, like Carrot Tail. You could breed two high percentage carrot tails and get less carrot tail, polygenic traits can be hit and miss. Although with long term line breeding, you can to a certain extent fix these traits.

We choose not to include Polygenic traits in our calculator. It doesn't make sense to inlcude them. A calculator should be accurate.

We will be in the future writing some basic genetic articles, which will include a more detailed explanation, and hopefully containing example images.

I hope this answers your question.

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