Hello guys,
Has anyone purchased the app "Reptile Calculator - Suite Edition" for the iPhone recently released in the App Store?
If someone has it, please provide some feedback. Thank you.
Adding them to the morph library seems good enough for me.
I find the idea of carrying a morph library on my phone very appareling, but currently Ron Tremper's app - Leopard Gecko Pro - seems to have a larger selection of morphs and photographs. If you could improve your library by adding the polygenic-related morphs and the few others that may be missing, making it a very complete morph library, and added photographs for each one and polygenic trait, that would surely make your app the definitive reference resource for leopard geckos.
It seems to have the potential to become an unique key product if it can get those updates.
I've purchased the iPhone app, very handy and easy to use.
I'd actually agree on polygenic traits, they are unpredictable as Andy says, you literally 'could' or 'could not' get them in any offspring. I believe that these should just be classed as possibles, I don't think they can be accurately calculated....
Oh and I like that one of my geckos is one of the morph pics !
Andy, if possible please let the community around here know when you update your libraries with the polygenic traits. Much appreciated!
Andy, if possible please let the community around here know when you update your libraries with the polygenic traits. Much appreciated!
The Leopard Gecko polygenic traits are now in the morph library. You are also able to upload your own images as well.
Thank you
Great, thanks Andy.
So many great breeders around here, please support this nice project and upload the images of your best geckos that would represent the morphs/traits still missing in the database!
When will we be having access to this as well on the iPhone?
I was wondering if you could make it so that the calculator had an option that was easy to copy and paste the results, one that did not include the pictures or something like that.
How would I enter a tangerine or tangerine enigma.