New To breeding researching before I try anything!


New Member
1.)Does anyone know what genes male and female leos pass to their offspring?

2.)How big(often) is the risk of being eggbound?

3.)Does anyone think my Ekko would be a good male breeder?(you can see him on my profile album)

4.)What are the incubation requirements?

5.) Does breeding harm the male or have risks to the male?

Thank you everyone -Cam


New Member
Oregon, IL
1) it depends entirely on the genes they're carrying. Some morphs are dominant, some are recessive. Some blend, some are masked.

2) assuming your female is healthy and not frequently spooked, it is unlikely she'll become eggbound

3) Ekko could be a good breeder if you really like the "normal" morph, but you may have a difficult time homing the offspring. You might want to start with a higher end pair to give them better chances of finding homes.

4) Leopard gecko eggs can be incubated in high humidity anywhere between 79 degrees Fahrenheit to 92 degrees Fahrenheit. Lower temps will give you a higher ratio of females to males, higher temps will give you a higher ratio of males to females.

6) the only risks to the male are risks DURING the breeding process. If the female isn't ovulating, she will often retaliate and bite back. Occasionally, a bite will draw some blood.

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