New to forum and geckos


New Member
Hey all, I've kept all types of reptiles in the past but never a gecko. Recently my sister in law has a friend that bought her kids a leopard gecko. They kept it for a couple of weeks and the kids got bored with it. So knowing that I've kept reptiles she gave me a call and asked if I was interested. Of course I said yes. The gecko seems in pretty good health, had to remove some shedding around the toes, but other than that the gecko looks really good. My question is, does anyone know what phase this leopard gecko is? I hope to pick up some useful tips from the experts out there.

Here are a couple of pics...





Spotted Shadow
Western Montana
Welcome to Geckoforums :) Looks like a SHTCT, but I'm definitely no expert.

Also, you should get rid of the sand substrate (or crushed walnut - whatever loose substrate it is!) as it poses a huge risk of a fatal condition called impaction. The gecko could accidentally ingest some of the substrate when feeding/etc and the non-digestible material will build up in the GI tract, forming a fatal obstruction. I'd recommend replacing it with paper towels or slate tiles.


New Member
Question...what is SHTCT?

Also, that's how I got the gecko. They gave me the tank with the accesories. I plan to upgrade the 10 gallon tank to at least a 30 and go natural with the decor. The sand is the first thing to go, I've never kept anything in sand. That pic was taken right after I got the gecko. But thanks for the advice.

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