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Hello everyone! I have just discovered the best place on the web to get information on my leos. Everyone has specialty sites on snakes, bearded dragons, and even fish, but this is the first place I have seen that specializes in geckos.
My husband is a reptile lover and started breeding corn snakes in our home which is okay, I love the snakes. I just don't LOVE the snakes the way that I love my geckos. my first two geckos I got just last summer. I love to hang out with them. They are very friendly and I have gotten them to allow me to pick them up with out jumping all over the place. While at a reptile show in DesMoines this past fall looking for a gecko for my nephew's first pet, I fell in love with Spots. She is a beautiful tangerine raptor. The coloring with her spots is magnificent. Soon I will get photos of all of my geckos posted.
Thanks to my new found passion I have just hatched Tanger and Eye Bees first babies. They are very cute and if anyone has advice on how to get the hatch-lings to eat I will take all the advice I can get.:main_yes:
I have a very busy schedule with college, 5 kids, husband, and all the animals ( snakes, geckos, 2 dogs, 3 cats) life is like a zoo.
Great to know that there are so many gecko lovers out there.:angel::angel: