New to Gecko Forums! Here are some of my babies!!


New Member

First we have margo her momma is Sydney and Ive had her for five years now! She is 66% het tremper.

Next we have her clutch mate Cyri. This picture was taken a few days after hatchling. She was born a little early but had made a killer come back. She is a tremper albino. Parents were Syd a het tremper albino and Buzz, a tangerine enigma.

This is an updated picture of Cyri taken on 6/1/12.

Next we have Bijou. She came from a father I purchased from Designer Geckos. He is an A&M SHTCTB / Electric. The mother was Sydney, the het Tremper Albino.

Next we have Oudette. She is what I believe to be an Electric. Her parents are the father I purchased from Designer Geckos, the A&M SHTCTB / Electric. The mother was a rescue but is some form of hypo tangerine.

Finally we have Dot, my favorite! The mother is a hypo Tangerine carrot tail that I obtained 6 years ago from Petco. The father was once again the same male from Designer Geckos, the electric.

All geckos are eating and doing really great! Will post more pictures as they progress in size.


New Member
Thank you everyone! Im still trying to figure out what the 4th 5th and 6th picture are. All from different SHTCT mothers and the father is a beautiful A&M SHTCTB / Electric. Since this is my first year I am still learning what morphs they are as they develop. First I know is 66% het tremper albino. Second and third are my tremper albino female. 4th im unsure of. 5th appears to be an Electric to me. Her clutchmate is a stunner as well. Last one im unsure of just know shes some form of Tangerine.

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