New to Leo's, concerned about eating habbits



Hi all my name is Mich and I've owned a baby Leo for about a month now.

The first week in which I got him he was eating great. A few crickets every evening. But after a week or 2 he began eating less. So I tried throwing in mealworms for variety which I believe he ate seeing as I can no longer find them in the tank lol.

But as of now there have been 3-4 small baby crickets that I keep fed in the tank if he wants to eat, but he refuses to emerge from the warm hide and actively hunt them. (this has been for about 2 weeks now) I think this may be due to temperture change seeing as how yesterday I attached a undertank heater with a few layers of insulation so he doesn't overheat.

He will eat waxworms just fine. He's eaten 3 in the past week and boy those poops are nice ones. >.<

Should I be concerned? He doesn't appear malnourished at all, and he just seems like a lazy schmo, heh.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Just give him what he wants to eat, and you can try other stuff occasionally to see if he's changed his mind.



Chaotic Nights Reptile
Two Rivers WI
I had one Leo refuse crickets for about a year, then she started eating them again for some reason. This particular Leo is very finicky though.


i'll just post my question here, since it seems like the thread... :)

i just got my baby (about 10 weeks old) yesterday.. i read some stuff a while back about leaving them be for a week or so, very limited contact until they sort of get used to things.. so, i have a couple questions...

he was on that bark stuff (maybe coconut bark?) at the store, now i have him on carpet, not sure if he likes it, he found a corner when he got in the tank and i haven't seen him leave there (again, he's only been here about 24 hours so i'm not panicking but i'm new to this so..).. could it be the carpet when he's been used to the bark?

also, he has only been fed crickets, but i want to do mealies because the noise and stuff (i like a quiet house, my workplace is where i get my noise fill).. and the sound of the crickets would drive me up the wall.. anyway, i'm not sure if he just hasn't found the worms yet or has no interest in them but, how long do i go before i cave and give him the crickets? being a baby, i assume he has to eat a little more then once every couple days..

any help would be appreciated!


Reptile Addiction
My moms basement
To Micheolf:

But as of now there have been 3-4 small baby crickets that I keep fed in the tank if he wants to eat, but he refuses to emerge from the warm hide and actively hunt them. .

My leo once went on a hunger strike until i took all the free range crickets out of his tank, he only eats them if they are being held in front of him with tweezers... but there all different with there own personalities it seems.

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