new to leos



hey guys
im new to forums and leo's
im thinking about getting 1/2 leo('s)

ive done quite a bit of reserch
but i just want some opinions on the best way to house them
and what would be the best equipment to use
eg. ceramic bulbs or red heat lamp?

and everything like that realy including substrate,hides and ornaments

any opinions will be helpfull i just want to know whats out there



Paper towels may not be the most attractive substrate, but they're the most recommended and safest. If you plan on using sand you should wait til your geckos have reached adulthood and use a fine-grain sand. As for tank ornaments, they can be as simple as cardboard toilet paper rolls or as sophisticated as ceramics. Be creative!:main_yes:
For heating I would recommend under-tank heat pads. It is not required that you have any special lighting or anything (you don't even have to have any lighting at all since leopard geckos are nocturnal).
Good Luck!:main_thumbsup:

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