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New Member
Spring Hill, Florida
Hello, My Name is Rob. I have recently adopted a Leopard Gecko. I have using a forum that has completely died out on me. So I was hoping to bring my experience here to a more lively forum. I would like to bring my last and most detailed post to this site so I have more of a chance to get questions answered. Is this possible? Rob


New Member
Spring Hill, Florida
My Leo has been doing very well. I have reason to believe that it is a she but I'm not 100% sure. Either way we have named her Smiley. The reason we named her Smiley is because on the back of her head she has a pattern that resembles a smiley face. Later today I will throw a couple of pictures of her so you guys see what I mean.
Anyway, down to business, I am getting ready to move her to a larger 15 gallon tank. The set up that I have had in the 10 gallon tank seems to do her well however I am still a little confused on the placement of all the hides. I have read online that the moist hide or humid hide should be kept in the warm area of the tank and I've also read that it should not be kept in the warm area of the tank because of evaporation.
Also how many hides is my gecko supposed to have?

Here are some pictures of my geckos current set up.
The tank is a 10 gallon terrarium with a metal mesh screen top.
The hide on the left with the plant on top of it is her moist or humid hide in which I use paper towels as the moist substrate.
The gray round hide in the middle is her normal hide.
The tile in the right upper corner is where I am training her to use the bathroom at all times.
It seems to work half the time.
And of course her large water dish in the lower right-hand corner which is big enough for her to submerge herself in if she gets too hot.
I am also worried about the temperature gradients of the tank.
The under the tank heater is located on the left side of the tank.
The temperature in that side gets about 88°.
The temperature on the right side of the tank gets to be about 80°.
The temperature in her normal hide is about 78 to 80°
The temperature in her humid hide has gotten as high as 91°.

The floor of her cage is just regular reptile carpet.

Natural lighting is being accomplished by 25 W moonlight reptile bulb on top of the left side of the cage. This light is on 24 hours a day.

I believe that the 15 gallon tank I am going to put her in is a little bit longer so I am hoping that the temperature gradient will spread out better.

Any questions, concerns, or opinions are most gratefully welcomed.

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Now I posted this this afternoon, but I have already switched her to the 15 gallon tank. It is set up about the same way though. I just want to make sure I am doing it right. Rob


New Member
three hides are a good idea, one warm, one cool, and one humid. I personally keep mine on the cool side but many do the warm and some do the middle. It seems to be a preference sort of thing. Your temps seem pretty good. If it's at all possible to get the warm side up to 90 thatd be even better.
It matters on the level you want to get into the cage. Leopard geckos come from an are that have rocks and sand base. They do not travel much during the day if at all. They will find the tightest spot they can and hide all day then come out at night to hunt and what not.

Now this does not mean put sand in your cage. But you can never have two many hides. Gecko does not care if you can see him/her. They worry about a few things. Safty, eating and drinking. Then when mature breeding.

To be minimum I would do one moist hide and then one regular hide. Moist hide can be on the warm side and IMO should be. You may have to add water every few days but that is the name of the game.


New Member
Spring Hill, Florida
Thanks Gary! I have read about the bad things that can happen to your Leo if you use sand or other loose substrate.
I am looking for maybe a medium Repti-Shelter to replace the sandwich box thats in there, except that when she is in there I can see her. That makes me feel better about her trying to shed and what not.

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