New to the game, two geckos with me


New Member
Indiana, USA
Hello! I'm new to the gecko world, though not new to reptiles. I've kept a couple different snakes species, and was quite content in that section of the herp world. Unfortunately, or fortunately for me, I've been forcibly exposed to the gecko world, and I find I like it quite a bit.

To be short, I rescued two leopard geckos that were being starved at a pet store that I intern at. The person who normally cared for them just up and left, and all of the animals were going hungry, geckos included. In order to save them from starvation I took them home, since the other workers were taking no steps to help them. No calcium on site, crickets and poo littering the cage, only a heat lamp, and only one hide. I work fish, otherwise I'd have taken them earlier. As it was, I took them as soon as I noticed how bad off they were. And when I say "rescue" I DO mean rescued. That is, I didn't pay for them. I know some people don't like the word "rescued" if it doesn't pertain to animals acquired in a manner so that the store doesn't profit, so I thought I'd explain that.

Anyways, I had a twenty gallon long on hand that I put them in. Waited a few days, sexed them, and am pretty certain I have a male and a female. I know keeping them together isn't ideal, but this is rather a short-term possession. I'm going to college in a few months and will need to re-home these two as soon as they're healthy enough, but until then I'm looking for information. Maybe in a year or so I'll pick up a pair of females for my own. Until then, hello :)

Embrace Calamity

New Member
Welcome to geckos. :) What kind of snakes have you kept?

How old are these geckos, by the way? The biggest issue with keeping them together would be the possibility of them breeding too young (though bullying and fights are also a factor).



Staff member
Somerville, MA
What kind of info are you looking for? For basic info, google "leopard gecko care" and read some care sheets. For specific questions, ask away and we'll answer. If there's any way you can separate them just in case it would be a good idea. The cheapest way is to set one up in a plastic tub (think "Target" or "Home Depot") or a large kritter keeper.


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