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Select Gex

New Member
Boston, MA
I was looking at it this morning. Nice! Do you run the google ads or does your provider do them? They are pretty distracting.


New Member
I'd try to blend in the google ads a little more. They stand out a little too much.

I'd also suggest that you reduce the width of the page. For people that have smaller monitors, it would get irritating to scroll left-right on each page. I have a larger monitor, but a lot of people work on smaller screens. I know a ot of people complain about scrolling left-right and avoid sites like that. If someone like that clicks on your link and sees that and immediately clicks back. Click backs like that look bad on your site in google's eye, which will push it down the search pages because search engines will assume that your site doesn't have any relavent content for readers because they're only staying on the site for a few seconds, if that.


New Member
Yeah, just threw the google ads in, am going to work on the blending of them, I have them as an ad-sense account so It will help pay for the adwords ad campain im running :)

Thats a good point with the pages scrolling, I myself wassn't aware that people had to scroll from left to right to see the pages. So i'll work on that also tonight.

thanks for the feeback so far guys, keep it coming :)


New Member
Of course dependong on the size of the monitor you wouldn't have to scroll, but smaller monitors would. I have larger monitors in my house and wouldn't have to, but I also don't like having my browser as large as the screen, which is why I had to scroll left/right on the site.


On my laptop with a 1920x1200 resolution monitor it looks just fine... actually pretty small ;)

But I agree, build your website for a lower resolution as the majority of internet users are still running 1280x1024 or less!

Milwaukee Reptiles

Gecko Addict
Milwaukee, WI
While I've never been a huge fan of using flash when traditional methods are capable of the same thing, the site does look nice. Most of those pages didn't need to be flashed though.

The adsense is pretty intrusive and makes the site look less professional (and it blows away no side scrolling on 1024x768, or about 56% of people browsing the internet[1], and that assumes the 1024x768 people are browsing at full screen). I would avoid it on any site where you're trying to build a brand and/or sell something. The last thing you want is for people to click the ad to go to a competitor. Just my opinion, take it for what it's worth.



New Member
Well were not selling anything on the site currently, the only money thats coming into the site is the adsense ads, I've decided I'm going to keep them the way it is for a few days, then change it to something more hidden and possibly only have one ad maybe at the bottom, then I'll see, eventually once I get others wanting to advertise on the website, I will get rid of adsense in whole, but for right now, its a steady stream of cash flow thats paying for the hosting along with my adwords campain.

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