New Wild Caught Tokay help


New Member
so about a week ago i bought what i am guessing is a wild caught due to how it acts. when i bought it the guy told me it was about an 8 month old CB but he said that he bought it from a guy who bought it from a guy. anyways he said he has handled it a couple times with no problems. i think he was just wanting to make a sell. when i get it home it is not happy as you might expect i already had a tank set up bc i have been wanting one for a while. i opened the verry shallow take out container that the seller had him in and he took of and stuck to my wall. i cought it with a t shirt as gentle as possible and put it in the cage. it hasnt ate one cricket or roach or worm since it has been here i have been spot cleaning his cage and feeding every other day. i have some panacure handy so last night i was going to try and catch himand put a cricket in his mough and also deworm him since i am pretty sure it is acctually WC and want to get it healthy. well as soon as i move the hide (which he hasnt been out of at all when im awake) to catch him he barks and goes for my fingers soi removed my hand and got out my gloves and try again this thing completly went around the gloves and tried to bite the skin above the gloves. i dont know what to do with this thing if i open the cage he runs up the sides and tries to get out. if i try to catch it, it tries to bite what ever skin it can.

any help on what to do with one that is this crazy? i have seen some pretty wild WC tokays but never this bad.

Thanks Logan


New Member
not very experianced but i would put your hand in tank away from him keeping it flat on floor and leave it there few mins each day for 2 weeks until he can get used to you going in there and not a threat also a new tank and surroundings will have him scared at first.
Since doing this with my first reptile ive had no problems and can easily handle him and pick him up as when i need.


New Member
Ok, so first things first, let him adjust to his new environment before handling him. This holds true with all reptiles. Second, he may not be WC. Tokays are very aggressive by nature (think crocodile in a gecko's body). He probably won't eat for about another week or so, depending on how stressed he is. You can put unflavored pedialyte in his water to help in stimulating his appetite and avoiding dehydration. I have a thread called "Who says evil can't be trained" which is a picture of me holding my tokay, Galactus. It took months to get her to this level. Tokays are very intelligent and you must earn their trust before they will allow any form of handling. I suggest leaving him alone for a bit, and when you start working with him, approach by putting your hand under him, not reaching in (which is seen as a predatory action by the tokay).


New Member
palmetto FL
Lol, tokays are generaly nasty in behaviour but its not exactly because they hate you, their just deffensive. Justin know a ton about them, his thread is great. I agree, just give it time, next time you plan on buying an animal you may want to look up its temperment, Tokay are not one of those geckos you will find yourself handling often unless well tamed, even still.


Noob breeder
nineveh, ny
agree with the above. Tokays are crazy aggressive. Never had one but seen enough to know how nasty they can be.

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New Member
well i am going to try and put my hand in a few minutes each day and see how that goes. i also plan on trying the pedialite thing since i always have it on hand just in case my daughter needs it.

I knew about their temperment to an extent and have handled them before but i have never seen one who acted like this which i guess is just more of the normal for a scared to death 8 month old who has likely never been handled. but i am keeping his temps where they should be along with the humidity and i am feeding right before sundown every other night.

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