Nice to have power back


New Member
Indiahoma, Oklahoma
Was involved in that heavy ice storm thursday that left me stranded without power till yesterday tuesday, 5 days straight with no power and 3 days with no water.... I was unlucky the first 2 days as i had no where to take them and it got 40's in their room and no generators were available as the entire surrounding area for a good 80 mile cicrle was affected so everything was scarce... however i did get lucky saturday a neighbor of my moms found a little camper and hooked up a generator to run it and his house, and it had propane heat, i was able to keep it 60-70 for the remaining of the power outtage, today i will be getting everyone back to belly heat and try to get meals in them, unfortunately i lost my enitre dubia colony which was at about 400, and my supers which i had about 200-300 left, just on mealies and not many of them, i'm just happy no one perished in this issue, and now i have a generator that i can use for the future, if needed...but the loss to the feeders is devistating, especially the dubia colony that i'd been working on nearly a year now.

so sadly due to that i have decided to get out of leopard gecko breeding, i will sell what i have and may not breed again if i do it will be a concentrated line of ss bells or super raptors just because i like the looks.. i will be movign to colubrids and rhacs, mainly because the rhacs i can transport easy, they dont need heat and i have no problem reaching their requirements, and with the colubrids i can put in brumation when winter starts just incase i run out of pwer and wont have to worry about them as much..
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Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Wow, glad everyone made it through. We were so thankful to have a generator through our 10 day power outage during Hurricane Ike. They make things so much easier!

You're welcome to place sale or trade ads in the classifieds here.


New Member
Indiahoma, Oklahoma
TYVM i have posted sale/trades numerous times, just raptors are a very widely bred animal and most of mine are males, looks like i got unlucky this year :(... i'd love to trade for hoggies or rhacs.. but my main problem is feeders, lost all the rest of my supers and all my dubias, really needing to get another dubia colony going supers i can order, but dubias were a big loss for me that was a large colony.


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Yeah, that's one of the unfortunate consequences of keeping living creatures and not being 100% prepared for a natural disaster. It's too bad that you have to buy a new starter colony but the important thing is that you and the rest of the animals were ok!


New Member
Just a suggestion, since you're trying to get of your leo stock relatively quickly it would probably help to post your prices right on your web page instead of having people email you for a price. Just my personal opinion. Good luck!


New Member
Indiahoma, Oklahoma
yeah i was lucky even though it got to 30's and 40's before i could get them out of the house, and my 2 main raptor females were in cold comas, i brought everyone back just fine... just lost all my feeders, this is the first time this town has been without power more than 24 hours in over 30 years, so it wasnt' that i wasn't prepaired just it was a fluke thing..and generators were selling out everywhere in minutes..just all around sucked, if it wasn't for my mom's neighbor havign that little camper trailer i dont think anyone would have made it but the cornsnakes...

as to the prices on my site, i leave no prices there so people can make me an offer, i dont have set prices for them, therefore i take reasonable offers... due to prices always fluctuating and i also would like to give group discounts etc..


New Member
Indiahoma, Oklahoma
WOW, tonight i hear skurring around and some of my dubias are astill alive, a lot of females have some strange thign hanging out their back end when they died, looks as if they were trying to birth when it was super cold, sux, i'll be cleaning thru it tomarrow, hopefully the losses were too bad....all my supers are gone though, that's the worst feeders are a pain to get here.

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