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New Member
Hey everyone! My name is Rylee and I'm a herp lover. I'm more of a snake person but I also love my rhac's and BTS. I'd been thinking of getting a Leo for a little while now and yesterday I ended up buying one for $30 from the reptile expo. He(or she!) is a Hot Moose Super Giant mix, and I got him from JAKL Reptiles. I've decided to name "him" Jumanji and the lady who I bought him from said he was born late May. I also saw his uncle and siblings there, so that was cool. I've got him staying in what I believe to be a 14qt tub with a heat pad and PVC hides. I am using carefresh natural bedding for a substrate. Anyways, I have no idea how to post pictures on here, but hopefully you can see Jumanji as my avatar. I've only got one question, but I was hoping one of y'all could try answering for me. I'm no good with leopard gecko morphs, only the basics(Tangerine, Mac Snow, Carrot Tail, etc.), so I have no idea about most genetics concerning this species. Could any of you show me pictures of what an adult Hot Moose leo would look like? And how big would you think Jumanji will get; being a Super Giant mix and all. I was told his father was around 160 grams. And I'm not interested in breeding leopard geckos at the time, but I'm just curious as to what I could breed to Jumanji? Again, I am into cornsnakes so I don't know if their hets and morphs work/react differently to another gene or not. Thanks so much! :)


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Welcome to GF. Think about replacing the care fresh with a non-particle substrate (repti-carpet, paper towel or my favorite, ceramic tile) especially if the new gecko is a juvenile.

I have no idea what a "hot moose super giant mix" is, unless the breeder wants to indicate that the gecko is from the same lines as Ron Tremper's original giant, moose. A picture would be helpful. To find out more about leopard gecko genetics check out: (read the articles)
Fun with Hets: Leopard Geckos Teach Genetics 101 | Gecko Time



New Member
Thanks for the advice and links! I will be going to +++++ sometime this evening to go ahead and buy the reptile carpet and some calcium powder. And as for the picture, I'm not sure how to post it on here, so if this link doesn't lead you to it than I don't know how to show you

229324F1-E282-42D4-AF15-AF87F3692168_zps3bouycsh.jpg Photo by rihalle | Photobucket

368829EE-33E8-4D21-A4DA-4B54F7C382A6_zpsf0fzsduy.jpg Photo by rihalle | Photobucket

91796BE3-21E3-4EF7-97B4-878286A7E2F0_zpslnupum3q.jpg Photo by rihalle | Photobucket


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Nice looking gecko. At the moment it's looking as if he may lose most or all of his body spots and get more orange. If he's truly a super giant he should be more than 10" long and weigh considerably more than 100 grams.



Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
Welcome, and congrats on getting a Leopard Gecko!

Yes, the "Hot Moose" line is from Ron Tremper, so I'm guessing at least one gecko back in his family tree was Tangerine and descended from Moose. Not certain what the other elements in the mix might be though.
LEOPARDGECKO.COM | Giants / Super Giants

You can see a bunch of pictures on that page. Yours is not an albino, so he'll keep some of his dark spots. You won't know how many until he's done growing though. He'll probably end up looking similar to the geckos on that page labeled "Tangerine" (without albino).


New Member
Oh wow, that would be awesome if he got that big! But I'm guessing a 10g wouldn't suffice him as an adult, do you think a 20g would fit him? Or something even bigger? I don't want him to be cramped. Anyways, thank you for the link, indyana. It gave me a nice idea on what he could actually look like as an adult. I just don't understand why he was so cheap if he came from those lines. Oh well, I ain't complaining! And I've got one more question, if someone could answer it for me. JAKL Reptiles told me they were feeding him B. Dubia Roaches and mealies, but my mom wasn't comfortable having roaches in our house so I went ahead and left without buying any nymphs and that I could just feed him crickets instead. So far, he's barely given them a second glance and has only eat the mini mealworms. Should I be worried? My mom says she won't let Jumanji go hungry and that I could go ahead and get some roaches online if he continues to refuse the crickets. Will his health suffer if he only eats the mealworms? If he doesn't start eating the crickets soon should I go ahead and order online or wait till the next expo(2 months away)?


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
Well, he's a mix, so that decreases the value. I don't know if he's guaranteed to be a Super Giant from what you said or if he's just from Giant lines, but yes, you may need to get a 20 gallon long as an upgrade later in life. :)

Plenty of people do just feed mealworms, but variety is always good. Make certain the crickets are the right size for him (should be no wider than the space between his eyes and shorter than his head). All insects should be properly gut loaded before feeding and dusted with calcium, D3, and multivitamins (either an all-in-one supplement or alternating supplements). This will ensure good nutrition, and it's especially important if you're going to feed a limited variety of insects.

I strongly recommend roaches, but only with your mother's permission.

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