[NOOB] What do I need?


New Member
Ontario, Canada
Your leo is adorable! Congrats!

I use the hydrofarm thermostat for most of my reptiles as well. I find it has a fair degree of accuracy. It's usually off by a couple degrees, but never more than that. I love the couple of herpstats I have. They are super accurate! But expensive. The hydrofarm ones are a very affordable alternative.

I keep two of my leos in the same 25 gallon tank. They are both female, both the same age/size, and have been housed together for almost two years with few problems. However, I wouldn't do it again. You can't know for sure how much each leo is eating. Also, occasionally one of the leos will confuse where they poop and end up pooping in the same spot as the other, so it is hard to tell if they are both pooping regularly as well. I've had a very good experience keeping these girls together, but as I said, I wouldn't do it again.

Good luck and have fun with your new baby!!


New Member
United States
Thank you!

It is a awesome little device. I actually have it set to 89, and it turns off then.. but it keeps heating up to about 93 for 3-6 mins and then starts to drop till it kicks back on. Makes me wonder how it would actually get if I let it stay on constantly.. o_O

I am fine with just the one for now, since I will be getting a Bearded Dragon soon as well to put in my spare 40g breeder. haha! All that stuff will be here tomorrow! Excited! lol I love making my wife have goose bumps! Glad you are honest at least about the experience you actually have had, and those are some great points about keeping tabs on each ones health too. But like I said, I plan on just having the one for now.


New Member
United States
Nah.. never had one before. I was just looking at buying those other ones. Never got too serious about them. I wanted a younger one to actually raise and let it get used to ME and MY schedule/traffic in my house. Not a pet shop. :)

I like it though. It was $27 too!

Ordered 1000 meal worms(wanted to get 500 but 1000 was the lowest option) BUT. I plan on getting Dubias and breeding them. So both my Leo and Beardy can have some awesome food.

Plus roaches freak my wife out, ever more. So... win!


New Member
Ontario, Canada
Thank you!

It is a awesome little device. I actually have it set to 89, and it turns off then.. but it keeps heating up to about 93 for 3-6 mins and then starts to drop till it kicks back on. Makes me wonder how it would actually get if I let it stay on constantly.. o_O

Yours shuts off? I have mine set to 92, and the temp usually stays at 92 (give or take a degree). I find the temp it displays off though. The actual temp (according to my temp gun) will say 92 but the thermostat will say 90.1 or something close.

I am fine with just the one for now, since I will be getting a Bearded Dragon soon as well to put in my spare 40g breeder. haha! All that stuff will be here tomorrow! Excited! lol I love making my wife have goose bumps! Glad you are honest at least about the experience you actually have had, and those are some great points about keeping tabs on each ones health too. But like I said, I plan on just having the one for now.

lol sorry! I just got confused because others on here were talking about housing two together. I guess we all got a bit confused!

And I know the excited feeling! I just ordered a couple new hygrometers and some hides and am super exited about just getting those! :p

"I plan on just having the one for now." ..."for now" Those are the key words. I said that when I first started and got a few more just in the next few months! :p And the addiction begins!

Embrace Calamity

New Member
Yours shuts off? I have mine set to 92, and the temp usually stays at 92 (give or take a degree). I find the temp it displays off though. The actual temp (according to my temp gun) will say 92 but the thermostat will say 90.1 or something close.
Temp guns measure surface temperatures. I'm pretty sure thermostats measure the air temperature directly above the surface. Surface temperatures will always be higher than air temps (unless you're measuring water or snow). So it's not wrong, just measuring something different than your temp gun is.



New Member
United States
Yours shuts off? I have mine set to 92, and the temp usually stays at 92 (give or take a degree). I find the temp it displays off though. The actual temp (according to my temp gun) will say 92 but the thermostat will say 90.1 or something close.

lol sorry! I just got confused because others on here were talking about housing two together. I guess we all got a bit confused!

And I know the excited feeling! I just ordered a couple new hygrometers and some hides and am super exited about just getting those! :p

"I plan on just having the one for now." ..."for now" Those are the key words. I said that when I first started and got a few more just in the next few months! :p And the addiction begins!

Yupp, sure does! Well.. it "turns off" the heat mat when it gets to the set temperature. You can actually hear it "click" on and off.

And I am hoping I only have the one.. least till it gets much bigger. lol


New Member
United States
Left my Nikon at work! DOH!

Here are some more phone pictures...







New Member
Kansas City, Missouri
Just wanted to throw in that it doesn't have snake eyes. Those are just regular leopard gecko eyes. My leo has VERY dark eyes, because she's a blizzard.. A banana blizzard to be exact. I use slate tiles and I LOVE them! Gimme a holler if you have any questions about slate. Here are a couple pics of Ozy and one of her vivarium. :) She's a fat little piggy! I have to limit her food intake because her favorite thing to do is EAT. :p


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