Not eating... Temps an Issue?


New Member
Arlington TX
I left the humid hide in there... When I got home she wasn't in the cave or in the humid hide... she was just laying there...

Anyway.. my bf said he would get a thermostat... maybe tomorrow...
The temps in her cave right now is 92... I had to add more paper towels and the temp on the cool side is 80... the humidity is 60%

I have had her for 2 weeks and she has not shed since I got her so I do not know when her last shed was... she does seem duller in color which I know is a sign of shedding... she is in the humid hide right now...

The last time I gave her meal worms she stopped eating... and they all came out whole undigested so I am kinda scared to give her more..
I think I will put a bowl of waxworms in there..
The reason I have been getting her out is to hand feed her... the vet told me to feed her by hand at least 2x per day..

Anyway thanks for replying I am worried but I hope she turns around.


Happy Gecko Family
Just thinking if you had had her for 2 weeks, and you're hand feeding her 2 times per day, its gotta be pretty stressful to her? When you measure the temperature, are you measuring the floor temp of the warmest spot in the tank?

Just some thoughts. I hope she'll eat for you soon.


New Member
Arlington TX
Yeah... I have the probe taped down to the floor inside her warm cave... she is still spending alot of time in the humid hide... maybe she is trying to shed.

The warm side this morning was about 90 and the cool side was 77... it warms up during the day to about 93 and 80...

I know it is stressful for her but the last time I saw her eat a cricket was Thursday 9/3, 11 days ago... I went out of town that weekend and my sister thinks she ate 1 cricket on Saturday, 9/5, so that would have been 9 days ago...
I am worried because she had no tail fat when I got her so she really doesn't have anything to sustain her... So I feel I must feed her...
When I feed her she doesn't really struggle she will lay on my hand or sit up... she only struggles a bit when I put the food on her face... then she wipes it off on me and then licks up some


New Member
Arlington TX
She IS SHEDDING!!!! I got home from school and I noticed she is shedding... This is a good sign right?

Is it normal for them to stop eating for a week when the are trying to shed?
Do they eat their shed because I have heard conflicting information...
Also I should leave her alone until she is finished right? How long will it take her to complete the shed?

thanks for any replies...


New Member
Arlington TX
Still not eating... but is hydrated because I find the urates and clear liquid poop around the cage.

Where is the best place to get a thermostat?


New Member
Arlington TX
Still not eating... (it has been 2 weeks)

I have left her alone now for 3 days, just in case I am stressing her, and I have not seen her come out of her humid hide, where it is around 79... she is done shedding...

I think she needs to be in her warm cave that I have set up.... it is now 92-95 with an UTH

I put new mealworms and waxworms in a bowl for her everynight...


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