Odd behavior?


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
I recently noticed my one female, Calypso, won't let me handle her anymore. Any time I go to pick her up she starts twitching her tail like crazy. Within the past week she's even paired that with sqeaking at me. (I didn't even realize cresties made noise! None of mine ever have.)

Any thoughts on the behavior change? She used to be good about handeling, and now all the sudden nothing. I rarely get her out to begin with, so it's not like I pester her constantly.


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
Is she gravid?

Definetally not gravid. She's in a tank by herself and I've never introduced her to any of my males.

As for her not being used to me, I hope not. None of our guys are that great with being handled except her, that would kind of suck if she started that now too. Can't even get the males out of their tanks.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
I know this may be a long shot in the dark but maybe it's something about your scent they don't like. Do ya think maybe if you were to wear a vinyl surgical glove she'd be any different?


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
I know this may be a long shot in the dark but maybe it's something about your scent they don't like. Do ya think maybe if you were to wear a vinyl surgical glove she'd be any different?

I could give it a try. It saddens me that all of them are little brats and I can't take them out like I want to. I actually have some gloves here, so it's worth a shot at least.


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
Various times of day really.

Some times during the day, some times at night.

Just last night I was feeding her and she did the same thing. I was only nudging her so I could put her house back so I wouldn't drop it on her if it slipped.

Now the day before she let me hold her and it was in the evening. I caught her while she was on one of her vines, but she was fine. No twitch, no noise. She acted normal.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
I always offer my leo a trade off... I won't handle you on days you don't eat, I won't handle you at times you're suppose to be sleeping, and I'll only handle you after you've had a good meal. Thus far he has been really receptive to it. Maybe try a little something like that with her. Cresties are noctournal too right? Can you think back tothe good experiences you had where she wasn't upset with handling, like you said "Now the day before she let me hold her and it was in the evening. I caught her while she was on one of her vines, but she was fine. No twitch, no noise", maybe you just need to make it a more positive experience for her, with better timing on your part. Also if some one was nudging me to move, and I already was averse to handling, I prob. would have reacted badly too. Maybe a more direct moving her would have been less aggrivating for her than the nudge nudge nudge that was going on.


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
I always offer my leo a trade off... I won't handle you on days you don't eat, I won't handle you at times you're suppose to be sleeping, and I'll only handle you after you've had a good meal. Thus far he has been really receptive to it. Maybe try a little something like that with her. Cresties are noctournal too right? Can you think back tothe good experiences you had where she wasn't upset with handling, like you said "Now the day before she let me hold her and it was in the evening. I caught her while she was on one of her vines, but she was fine. No twitch, no noise", maybe you just need to make it a more positive experience for her, with better timing on your part. Also if some one was nudging me to move, and I already was averse to handling, I prob. would have reacted badly too. Maybe a more direct moving her would have been less aggrivating for her than the nudge nudge nudge that was going on.

This is very true. I try not to aggrivate any of them too much. First I did try and pick her up to move her to the other side of the tank. When she starts twitching her tail I always stop because I'm always afraid she'll drop it. (So far so good, all 5 still have them) That's when the nudging started. lol. She didn't go for it. Apparently she'd rather be squished. So I just hoped the hide didn't slip and she didn't move.

I will try what you've done whit your leo. Maybe it will help the others too. I'd really like for them all to be able to be handled. What's the fun in having a pet if you can't take it out?

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
True. that was a BIG point for me. Had to tolerate handling well. I even asked my breeder to handle him a a little more often in the couple/few weeks before he shipped him to me (which he was happy to do since he knew it was going for a pet not a program). The result was a very tolerant lil leo. I do find however that Eros HATES to be nudged and would rather forcefully be pushed out of the way (not that we ever really have to do taht very often with how his tank is set up) and if I have to mess with his tank he simply goes to one of the other hiding areas now as he learned he WILL be relocated. I think the nudging simulates a behavioral trait they display amongst themselves that may mean bad things to the nudgee from the nudger if ya know what I mean.


Atlanta, GA
iv noticed with joker its hard to get him out in the mornig but once its like 6 or 7 he gets out fairly easy and likes to run around me and jump around from hand to hand


I didn't really know they were capable of vocalizing. Caillou certainly never has. Is it like the little grunts and croaks leopards do when they're mad at you?


New Member
I didn't really know they were capable of vocalizing. Caillou certainly never has. Is it like the little grunts and croaks leopards do when they're mad at you?

Not too much. Usually when they make their noise, they also shake their heads and tails, both about the same speed as an excited leo. The noise is higher pitched as well. The noise and body language seems to suggest "leave me alone." Females may do it as a way of saying they don't want to mate.

Mine mostly only do this if you nudge or grab them while they're sleeping (also when one female crawls over the other one while it's sleeping). Once they're awake, the only one I can get to make the noise is my male, and it can be done by running a finger along his crests, down his back, to near where his back legs are, and back and forth. Sometimes it works by doing this to his back leg as well, or even the crests alone.

I wouldn't worry about tail dropping from this - that's not likely to happen unless your gecko is already completely freaked/stressed out. Mine are usually handled at least once a day (by either me and/or my wife) and are quite calm when out of the cage as a result. Just never grab the tail.


New Member
I wouldn't worry about tail dropping from this - that's not likely to happen unless your gecko is already completely freaked/stressed out. Mine are usually handled at least once a day (by either me and/or my wife) and are quite calm when out of the cage as a result. Just never grab the tail.

For some reason I was unable to edit my post, so I'm quoting this section to elaborate/clarifya point.

Your cresty is much more likely to run or jump away from you while doing this than drop a tail. For this reason, obviously don't make it feel trapped or otherwise put it in a position it can't escape (such as in a corner or hide) if you choose to try this.

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