Odd Leo spots? Pic available


Hello everyone. My juvenile Leopard Gecko, Panda, developed some spots a couple of weeks ago. They looked like pieces of dry/shedded skin so I gave her a sauna (a cage for 15 minutes that was very high in humidity) and then I tried to rub them off with a Q-tip. However, the spots didn't come off. Her attitude was normal and still is, and she is still a big eater. I got her from Petco for just a pet purposes. I feed her mealworms or crickets every other night depending on how much she ate the previous night, and occasionally a waxworm too. I gutload with bug burger and dust with calcium once a week. Her spots are kind of the brown ones that appear on her in the picture. Panda's spots fade and come back. Sometimes they even multiply or make a splotched line. Please Help and if I must take her to the vet I very well will. If you see any other things wrong with her please don't hesitate to tell.

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