Yesterday I went to the local pet store in search of a tank that will hold my 2 20L tanks. (We have some SMALL rooms in this house, and the 2 tanks really take up the space!
) So, I go there, ask the guy about the stands, and he says that they won't have them in until next week. Then he asked me what I had. I told him I had hermit crabs and I was gonna get a leopard gecko. WELL. He started telling me what I "needed". Haha! So I remembered that I hadn't got moss yet, and I said "Oh yea! I need to get moss." He said "Why?" I said "...For shedding. ...It helps them, apparently." and he said "No, no. They just say that to make you buy more stuff. I don't have any moss, but I have this other bedding that you can use for the geckos." Then he said "Oh you can use sand too! But not regular sand. You have to use Calci Sand." :main_lipsrsealed: Lordy. Then he started talking about heat. "You'll want to use a hot rock and build a cave around the hot rock so it distributes heat." :main_rolleyes: Uh-huh. And then, of course, he told me I can't feed mealworms as the main food because once they eat a mealie, they'll never eat anything else. Then he told me I couldn't use the Repti Hammock that I bought because the gecko will just pee on it. Really, Mr? He actually said to me "There's lots of pet stores out there who will just sell you anything you want to buy. I won't do that. I don't want you to have problems down the road. So many pet stores don't know what they're talking about." ...I had to suppress a giggle.
This is the new store here. There's a nice, reliable, knowledgeable one a few towns over... they're crazy expensive sometimes, but at least they tell you the truth. :main_yes:
Oh! I have a question too. This guy had about 5 baby geckos at his store. He had 3 normals and 2...Ohh, I'm not sure what type they are, but they're yellow and have white stripes when they're young. Anyway, they were only $29.00. ....Is that normal? Aren't morphs normally expensive?
*sigh* Sorry. Had to rant. ...It was my first time experiencing the whole "pet stores suck" thing.
This is the new store here. There's a nice, reliable, knowledgeable one a few towns over... they're crazy expensive sometimes, but at least they tell you the truth. :main_yes:
Oh! I have a question too. This guy had about 5 baby geckos at his store. He had 3 normals and 2...Ohh, I'm not sure what type they are, but they're yellow and have white stripes when they're young. Anyway, they were only $29.00. ....Is that normal? Aren't morphs normally expensive?
*sigh* Sorry. Had to rant. ...It was my first time experiencing the whole "pet stores suck" thing.