ok hi and i need some help, may have screwed up majorly


New Member
ok so hi im relatively new to keeping geckos an i keep 2 leopard geckos who produced some nice eggs for me.. well the thing is that one of my 8 week old eggs was sadly cracked today when i accidently pushed my finger against it when i was trying to get into the incubator, its was a wierd egg from the begining and it always had a little dent in it, so anyway when it cracked i decided for some reaons that i now regret to open the rest of the eggs to even see if it was going to have a baby in there... it did and it is a ver weak one, its kind of pinkish and it has black stripes down its back and broken stripes on its tail, it looks so weak it just sits in the little home i made it out of another simmilar container, occasionaly its takes a breath or moves its chest but its limbs look strange n floppy, it looks quiet developed however.. everything is there... and i guess it would hatch withing a few more days of waiting, the other egg from its pair is fine and doing well but i just dont think this little guy or girl is guna make it... ps i know i screwed up, and im genuinley very sorry... i hate to think ive killled this baby if it dies... any help atal or anything else you would like to know that would help...

:/ thanks


New Member
just a little update to any one that can help, its getting better.. i think ... it thrashed its tail about when i opened the case to check on it, it has a bit of energy i guess... still just lying there tho ... any help is appriciated ..again .. thanks


Fife, Scotland
babies will be fairly inactive for the first few days anyway until they are disturbed or need to find food. As its so premature it may well have some of the nutrients still to absorb which will exhaust it, if its thrashing its tail its a very good sign, any pics?


New Member
sorry i havent got a camera, i suppose it could be ok.
what do healthy baby geckos look like ?
its been in there for 8 weeks, is that premature ?
ive moistened the hide area that i placed around it to keep it dark.... was that a good idea.. ?
i realy hope this little dude is guna be ok
thank you :)


New Member
Oregon, IL
You want to keep the gecko in a moist, warm place. Darkness is good, too. This one was probably only a few days to a week premature, but it sounds like it could have used those extra days in the egg. Keep an eye on it, but don't mess with it. If it gets stronger, it gets stronger. If not, you know for next time not to let curiosity get the best of you :/

A healthy hatchling comes out on its own and walks around a bit. They're less active than a juvy, or older hatchlings, of course, but definitely more active than you're describing for this little guy.


New Member
thanks yeah i realy messed this guy up ... i think ill wait till the morning and see ho it is then, the only reason i can think of that i opened the egg was that there was already a big crack from an accident i didnt even think it was guna be fertile cause it was always and odd egg, the other is much larger and rounder.... but thank for the help .. ill leave him in the dark, it warm and moist so fingers crossed,

oh yeah this is were we introduce ourselfs right?

well despite the disaterous start to this forum, i figured i only joined caus eof this but anyway im form london and im so much better at eeping fish, puffers snakehead and african cichlids are my speciality i only hope ill become pretty adept in my gecko knowlegde but as these things are all learning curved i will indeed not be so foolish in the future, appreciat the concern tho (Y) thanks :D gotta be optimistic i suppose... atleast the others are fine, theres in total.. ill keep this one posted tho if there is any other problems


New Member
Oregon, IL
Don't beat yourself up too bad over it. It's hard to restrain yourself when you want to see how the eggies are developing. For next time, assume EVERYTHING is fertile until it turns into a smelly, furry, raisin. Really poor looking eggs have hatched out really strong, healthy geckos before.

Welcome to the site, anyhow :) It's a great community here. There's a section for fish, too, if you want to discuss with like-minded people.


New Member
ahhh he/she didnt make it :/ found him/her orange and stiff... :( it was sort of what i expected and thanks :D im still new to all this and i do hope to get better. it so differnt for fish, so much less complicated, alot less work too , anyhoo thanks for the help its appreciated (Y)

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