Old molt over eyes


New Member
Mesa, AZ
Yeah, I remember sitting at the vet when she asked me if I saw the information on their web page on eye caps, my friend that was with me wouldn't even look at it. I had some good luck this morning with my little girl, i was giving her a bath and she had her eye open and was licking it when i saw a piece of skin that was actually accessible, it looked small but when i got ahold of it it was tucked all the way under her eyelid and about half the size of her eye, needless to say she was a little upset with me for poking and prodding at her but i know she is feeling better after getting that piece of skin out. My vet used this little tool to clean under her eyelids and her eye, its like a ice cream scoop looking thing kinda. Hard to explain but all the puss and goop that came out told me that no matter how uncomfortable she looks its definitely doing a lot more than i can with tweezers and warm soaks. Best of luck to you and everyone else dealing with this problem.

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