Once again...


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
Well, we had to take Odin and have him put to sleep this afternoon. Still no clue as to what the diagnosis.

Sorry buddy, miss you already. :(


New Member
Elizabethville, PA
No, we just brought him home. They did one for Dante and came up with absolutly nothing. Plus his normal vet was not there and we had a different one. She didn't really have a clue about reptiles. We're assuming it's the same thing both Obi and Dante died from, and at this point that they've been through two different kinds of antibiotics, a run of panacure that there's something else going on. Still can't help but think it's crypto. They just waste away.

Strangely enough, Loki does not seem to be effected the same way. She doesn't eat on her own save for a cricket or two once in a great while, but she hasn't dropped weight as quickly as the other did. Plus is very lively and active. They also would just walk around with their eyes closed towards the end, and she doesn't do that either. Not sure what to think about it. But I guess we're going to keep doing what we've been doing and hope for the best. Slurry ftw.

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