well who as ever bought food for there leos on the internet, were the results good, and if yes, where did you get them ???
alot of people and myself have had problems with them and their product. I just started using wormman as a supplier because Ghann's is out of mealworms.definately no american cricket cranch here is the quality of thei bugs and service http://www.geckoforums.net/showthread.php?t=589 By robin
I highly recommend them, great product and you can use it both for crickets and mealworms:main_thumbsup: :main_laugh: :main_thumbsup:Grinning Geckos As far as gutload goes, I order from www.progeckos.com . It's called Pro Gutload (imagine that) and the results are GREAT!! BY Grinning Geckos