Opinion on this 3rd Pictus? I know the other 2... (Anery Stripe m/f)


Shape Shifter
Hello everyone, I'm VERY curious what you think about this Pictus. He/she was mistakenly put in with normals and the breeder didn't even realize it was there until I asked about it which was awesome.

Anyways, with that comes one slight issue: not labeled -.- they said Anery but.. as you can see, the anery stripes look NOTHING like it o.0 ... it is way, way lighter.

I'm thinking hypo, snow or xanthic. Let me know what you guys think!

Weird one/poss anery/hypo/snow/xanthic? lol:

Other 2 that were really cool (labeled Anery Stripe male and female, sexed via microscope/jewlers scope):


Opinions on the first (and others) are greatly appreciated, thanks a bunch!


Ridgewood, NJ
I don't know enough about pictus morphs to help, sorry! I do know from keeping a small pair of my own that they will start to breed way before it is safe unless you keep the males and females well separated! I had them in separate but adjacent bins and my female is laying her 3rd clutch at 6g...ugh.

Good luck finding out what you have and keeping them!


Shape Shifter
I don't know enough about pictus morphs to help, sorry! I do know from keeping a small pair of my own that they will start to breed way before it is safe unless you keep the males and females well separated! I had them in separate but adjacent bins and my female is laying her 3rd clutch at 6g...ugh.

Good luck finding out what you have and keeping them!

Ah, damn! should the female be separated even though they are hatchlings? All 3 are together. Or wait until a bit later to remove her?

And thanks! I hope I can figure it soon haha, and I have them set up with paper towl, two main hides, a 3rd humid hide and about 50-70% humidity (I mist them daily to be sure) and a 88-89f hot spot.

Does that sound like a good set up for them for now? (the best care sheet I could find recommended a similar set up) I plan to switch to a more natural bedding though, just monitoring their poop right now.
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Ridgewood, NJ
Cool! Glad you figured it out!

Mine are babies too. In fact, my female is only 6g and has laid 3 clutches so far. I've never put her in with a male but she must have mated before I got her since her eggs are fertile. I would keep them 100% separated. I'm just crossing my fingers that cooling my gal will keep her from overlaying and killing herself. From the info I've gathered they're notorious for depleting their calcium reserves to such a point that the female often die if not separated.


Shape Shifter
Cool! Glad you figured it out!

Mine are babies too. In fact, my female is only 6g and has laid 3 clutches so far. I've never put her in with a male but she must have mated before I got her since her eggs are fertile. I would keep them 100% separated. I'm just crossing my fingers that cooling my gal will keep her from overlaying and killing herself. From the info I've gathered they're notorious for depleting their calcium reserves to such a point that the female often die if not separated.

Wow, that's madness! and this isn't even Sparta. How does the egg laying work though? do you need a lay box or will they just lay in eco earth as substrate? Also, I heard 7 months - 1 year is a good breeding age? true or false? I'd like to see your picta's (or pictus, whichever you prefer lol) as well, since I now have the bug for them and love seeing pictures of as many as possible.

I'll have to separate them ASAP though. How would I separate a very flat bin? It's a shoebox sized sterilite.

Was thinking maybe I can hot glue a small piece of (something) down the middle and then just put the heat pad there so it covers both sides? Only thing is what should I use for that?

I was thinking like a strip of plastic or something, but I don't even know how/where I'd get a small thin strip of straight plastic ?.? Or, maybe I should use a piece of wood? that would be easier to do, just have to cut it to fit really.

Also, I just found a plastic bin that was used for superworm breeding, the lid of it is perfect. Was thinking I could take the lid and just fit it into place or hot glue it, maybe zip tie it in place (cut a hole in the lid, place it in enclosure, zip tie onto the enclosures lid via already existing air holes)

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