Opinions on cross-eyed geckos?


I'm baaaaaack!
I noticed that these clutchmates have what appear to be crossed eyes tonight. One kind of looks like she might have kinks in her eyelids too, which I have only seen in two other babies this year - both clutchmate RWPAs from different parents. I attributed those to the fact that the mom refused to eat after laying her first clutch, and it was her third clutch that had the kinks. Those babies are still alive and eating well, and have yet to exhibit any signs of infection or shedding problems.

Anyway, the parents of these two are a RWPA and a Mack Snow RWPA. Sorry the pictures kind of suck - I can never get decent eye shots. :main_angry: The mack looks like one eye is slightly snake eyed, but in person it's more obvious that their pupils are NOT centered in their eyeballs.





I remember a few other people (Jeremy?) saying they've had cross-eyed Rainwaters pop out, but I don't remember what the verdict so far on them has been. These two eat just as well as their peers of the same age so they don't appear to be having any difficulty with vision. Anywho, I'm just wondering what the rest of y'all think about 'em.


New Member
use a pen light and see how the pupil reacts to light. that gives you a better idea. i have had some cross eyed geckos before. i have never attributed it to anything as far as genetics. i really do not know what. maybe they can be born with weird eyes like humans?

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
I think it was Jeremy (and maybe someone else?) that had one with funny eyes. I think it might be too new/rare to know if it's genetic or not. However (Jeremy, please put your 2 cents in), I seem to remember both of the other funny-eyes geckos being RWPAs.

BTW- the shot of the snake-eyed gecko is hilarious! I don't know about breeding, but it doesn't hurt their cute factor.

Jeremy Letkey

Jaded by reality!!
outta my freakin mind
Yeah, I have one female RRS that has eyes just like these. I have decided to breed her and am currently waiting on the first eggs to hatch. She seems healthy in every way. Eyesight is fine and she eats like a pig. I'll let you know what happens with the babies.

Also, I do have a female sht that is het RW and het Patty. She has the same eyes but after two seasons and no luck getting her to lay eggs I have given up on her. She is also healthy just will not reproduce.
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I'm baaaaaack!
Thanks for the opinions, guys.

Robin, I don't have a penlight, but that is a very good idea. I'll find one and check it out.

Jeremy Letkey said:
Also, I do have a female sht that is het RW and het Patty. She has the same eyes but after two seasons and no luck getting her to lay eggs I have given up on her. She is also healthy just will not reproduce.

Do you still have her? Both of these babies were incubated at 82*F but if one of them ends up being male, I'd be willing to dedicate the rack space to see if I can get her to lay eggs. I think it would be worthwhile to see if this is a genetic trait or not, and hopefully have more than just a few animals to assess how it affects their quality of life.

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