Opinions on hiding... fear or light


New Member
Fort Myers
I'm just curious to know how others' leos behave. When I got my first leo, I did all the research first, provided warm, cool, moist hides for her. She hid all the time when I first got her, then she stopped.

Second gecko was the same. Neither of them hide.

I recently acquired a new male blizzard, and he is still hiding, but I'm wondering if once he gets used to everything if he, too, will quit.

My house is very quiet and calm. The only time it's not is when my two sons are home from college, and constantly have their friends over. During this time my geckos hide. Otherwise Never.

So is it fear that makes them hide during the day? I always thought it had something to do with the light, yet mine always seem to want to lay right out in the open, under the light. They still sleep all day like normal, they just don't care where they are.

Any thoughts?


New Member
Austin, Texas
Don't take this the wrong way. But that doesn't nessisarly mean they're 'calm'. IF they are coming out and basking during the day it sounds to me like their temps aren't hot enough...or you aren't providing hides?

They are nocturnal which means they should not up during the day, they should be in their hide hiding from 'predators'. My beau gets up during the day sometimes to grab some water or switch hides, but then he goes back ot bed.

Could you explain your temps/setups?

I could be wrong though :p


New Member
Fort Myers
That's my point, as I said in the beginning. I do provide 3 hides in each of their tanks. The temps are perfect, so is the humidity. They are healthy, nice fat tails, vibrant colors, alert eyes... also very friendly and have been checked by herp vet. They just don't use their hides. They will lay next to them and sleep. If I take them out and return them, they go in them immediately, as though they are checking to make sure they are still there, but then they come back out and lay on the ground.

My one spends most of her time at the top of the climbing wall, directly under the light, sleeping. Then she comes down at night and gets her exercise by climbing all over everything.


New Member
Austin, Texas
That's my point, as I said in the beginning. I do provide 3 hides in each of their tanks. The temps are perfect, so is the humidity. They are healthy, nice fat tails, vibrant colors, alert eyes... also very friendly and have been checked by herp vet. They just don't use their hides. They will lay next to them and sleep. If I take them out and return them, they go in them immediately, as though they are checking to make sure they are still there, but then they come back out and lay on the ground.

My one spends most of her time at the top of the climbing wall, directly under the light, sleeping. Then she comes down at night and gets her exercise by climbing all over everything.

That's so strange. I've never heard of that before... And they have their eyes shut and everything? Hmm...


Dinosaur, so like rawr
my gecko used to do that instead of sleeping in their hide they sleep next to it, it stopped after i moved one of the hides the moist one to be exact and then she started to go back inside of it to sleep she also used to bask in the sun but she just stopped doing it on her own i dont know what you should do i just assume yours may just be more active


New Member
Between two terrariums
The more work you spend providing a nice habitat for a leo, the more actively they will find ways not to use it the way you intended. :tongue3:

Mine will wedge himself in any little cramped space he can find and doze off, but with the larger hides he rarely crawls all the way in. On hot days he stays out far more often, presumably because he's more active and also the hides retain heat.

I'd say that whether it's linked to the light or not, it's primarily fear that makes a leo with sufficient heat hide - they're *afraid* to be out in the open when it's light. They can't see as well, they're more visible themselves, it's in their best interest to be afraid. Less-established leos, those with more fearful natures, or leos who are naturally more sensitive to the light, would probably hide more often.


Happy Gecko Family
Have you checked the temperature inside these hides? I mean there must be something that the geckos don't like if they're not willing to go inside these hides. I have one gecko that'll occasionally sleep all sprawled out in the open, but that doesn't happen very often. They tend to sleep somewhere that's partially covered.


New Member
I gecko sat a couple geckos who did that its so strange!
I wouldn't worry about it if everything husbandry and health wise is OK.


New Member
Austin, Texas
Have you checked the temperature inside these hides? I mean there must be something that the geckos don't like if they're not willing to go inside these hides. I have one gecko that'll occasionally sleep all sprawled out in the open, but that doesn't happen very often. They tend to sleep somewhere that's partially covered.

That's what I was thinking...but said everything was correct :main_huh:

Could you take a pic of your set up? :main_thumbsup:


New Member
Fort Myers
The more work you spend providing a nice habitat for a leo, the more actively they will find ways not to use it the way you intended. :tongue3:

Mine will wedge himself in any little cramped space he can find and doze off, but with the larger hides he rarely crawls all the way in. On hot days he stays out far more often, presumably because he's more active and also the hides retain heat.

I'd say that whether it's linked to the light or not, it's primarily fear that makes a leo with sufficient heat hide - they're *afraid* to be out in the open when it's light. They can't see as well, they're more visible themselves, it's in their best interest to be afraid. Less-established leos, those with more fearful natures, or leos who are naturally more sensitive to the light, would probably hide more often.

This was my thought too. They are nocturnal, and sleep during the day. In the wild, they're not likely to just fall asleep out in the open as it puts them in a state of high vulnerability. Perhaps it's not about the light, but simply about feeling safe while they sleep. I have friends who have various lizards, and have over the years, and they both told me it's kind of a 50/50 thing depending on personality. Not every gecko they've ever had hid all the time... some stayed very true to the typical gecko behavior while others were out in the open.

Since my house is quiet all the time, maybe it's simply that they don't feel vulnerable when they sleep?

In regards to the question about temp inside the hide, the answer is yes. That's the first thing I thought, too warm or too cold. But temps are in the norms, and I have even moved the hides around to different locations. I'm not overly worried about it as my leos are ohterwise healthy and active. And I sort of like that I can see them all the time.

Pink asked if their eyes were closed and all. Here are two pictures I took which shows them sleeping in their usual/favorite spots.



New Member
Austin, Texas
You're got weird geckos :p

Ok, I don't know if it's just me but that hide looks really small. I see some moss in it, is it is that their moist hide? Personally, I have three hides for my boy. One in the hot side (his moist one), middle and end.

I love how you did your tile btw. I'd love to see the whole set up. Did you cut it yourself? Looks kinda neat.


New Member
Fort Myers
I also have three hides. This just happens to be the one Sela likes to lay next to. It's not big, as has been suggested. It's bigger on the outside than the inside and they use the outside just as much for climbing on top of - but it is not too big or small inside.. Just big enough for both of them to fit in comfortably when they choose to use that one.

I know everyone's looking for something to be wrong, but there is nothing wrong. I've followed the guidelines for vivarium set up like everyone else. 3 hides, hot, cool, moist, all appropriately sized. I really only asked the question to find out what the thoughts were on hiding.... fear or light?? That was it.

As for the tile question. I didn't cut it. I broke it with a hammer, then took the largest pieces, re-arranged them on top of play sand, so that no sand really gets through, and what little bit does, can be picked up with a wet paper towel (daily), or brushed back into the cracks. Then I sanded all the corners so there was nothing sharp they can cut themselves on. Once I replaced the tile back on the sand, I took sphagnum moss and stuffed it down in between them also, to keep the sand below, and to help hold some humidity.

I also built them climbing ramps which reach nearly the top of the viv. They are made out of pineapple palm bark, which is shaped in a large V. Cleaned them, let them dry out for several weeks before I fixed them for my girls to play on. What I did next was sprayed them with spray glue and rolled them in the play sand. Once it was dry I washed it again to make sure any loose sand came off. Then I gave it a couple light coats of brown textured spray paint - just enough to add texture and a little brown, yet without covering up the natural look. Now it's a path made of sand and textured paint which they can climb and have no problems with their nails. I call it their Jungle Jim and I made 4 at the time. Right now I only have 2 in there, but I can fit all four so they not only get alot of floor space to walk around on, but also climbing space as well.

I'll see if I can get a nice picture of my set-up made.

I'm glad you like the tile! Thanks alot :)


New Member
Between two terrariums
I know everyone's looking for something to be wrong, but there is nothing wrong. I've followed the guidelines for vivarium set up like everyone else. 3 hides, hot, cool, moist, all appropriately sized. I really only asked the question to find out what the thoughts were on hiding.... fear or light?? That was it.

There's no harm in making sure, we're all leo lovers here. :)


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
Some of mine stay in their hides most of the time, some hardly use them. The main thing is they know there's a place to hide if they so choose. Tho by nature they are nocturnal, some are active during the day. A lot of things change in captivity. Since they can feel secure anytime, their habits can change. Some never really get past being skittish, others will try to get your attention when you walk past their cage. They develop their own personalities and since we are always monitoring them, we notice their changes. Your setup does look quite cozy :)


New Member
Fort Myers
Some of mine stay in their hides most of the time, some hardly use them. The main thing is they know there's a place to hide if they so choose. Tho by nature they are nocturnal, some are active during the day. A lot of things change in captivity. Since they can feel secure anytime, their habits can change. Some never really get past being skittish, others will try to get your attention when you walk past their cage. They develop their own personalities and since we are always monitoring them, we notice their changes. Your setup does look quite cozy :)

It's funny you say that, because I have one of each. Lola is completely calm and mellow. she doesn't mind being held for 5 to 10 minutes but then lets me know she wants down. She doesn't solicit attention. Sela, however, stands at the front of the tank and looks for me. She wants me to open the door so she can climb out onto my shirt, use me as an extension of her jungle gym. She's very playful. And I have a new jevenile male who is still skittish. I am hoping in the end that he is as playful as Sela but it will take time for him.

I think that's the point I was trying to make. Things are different in captivity. They know the crickets come at 6:00 am every morning just before daylight, they know no-one is going to harm them inside their enclosure.... perhaps that promotes different behavior than what they would develop born in the wild.


New Member
Fort Myers

My enclosure.. taken from an upward angle cuz I can't get the whole thing in one picture. But shows some of the floor, the jungle gym, the climbing wall and the top shelf. The Jungle gym is in the air. They have to climb on top of their hides to get to it. I didn't want it to deprive them of floor space

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