Our pickups from Garrick's open house


Lake Worth, FL
Thanks all. We have had a tough tiime so far finding the right male for the lav RS snow eclipse girl but we'll be patient. There are a few possible males out there so we are narrowing it down. We'd also like to find a really nice male reverse stripe eclipse to compare.

We are requesting the help of the board for this project. If anyone on the board finds us the male we decide to go with for her, we will pay you a $50 finder's fee if we end up getting that one you find....plus maybe we'll name the first-born after you!

PM me if you have any ideal males in mind. Thanks!

$50 finders fee, huh...?!?!

Well how bout this???

A Lavender Reverse Stripe Eclipse Enigma het Raptor...


I'll pm you with my paypal info to wire the money over... lmao j/k

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