Ovulating and Not Eating


New Member
Santa Maria, California
My question is simply this:
If a female is ovulating and hasn't been paired with a male, how closely is the ovulation cycle related to not eating?
I have two females that just aren't eating. I've tried three different size worms; small and large mealworms, Super worms, and crickets. They just aren't eating a lot. They are active and move around quite a bit in the evenings.
They eat very little when they do eat, usually one or two meal worms a week. I've seen them drink and even taste the calcium and minerals.
Temperature is 88 degrees on the hot side and 74 on the cool side.
If the girls are ovulating and are gravid, how long before their bodies absorb the eggs?


New Member
yes allot of time females will stop eating or cut back when ovulating. allot of times the females will absorb the eggs ( i cant give you a time of how long before they do) but also sometimes they form eggs and will actually lay infertile eggs

there is also a thread that just started about the same type of thing here http://www.geckoforums.net/showthread.php?t=6222

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