Ovulation?? Confusion


New Member
Bucks county, PA
I have two females I am trying to breed this season. One will not ovulate and has not done so for the past month and a half while the other is already gravid. I tried the paper towel trick for 2 weeks and she still won't ovulate. I have intoduced her about 6 times in the past 3 weeks and every one has been turned down. Will leopard geckos ovulate once a year and then be done for the season or will they periodically ovuate on and off throughout the season. Since it is probably too late for the lower temp an then aise temp deal, what else can I do to induce ovulation and is it still possible for her to ovulate even if she did earlier this season.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Most leopard in the northern hemisphere ovulate some time between Jan and June or so (just approximate dates). Some may ovulate at a different time and some may not at all. My experiences include a gecko who laid fertile eggs for 2 consecutive seasons at the ages of 2 and 3 and then stopped ovulating and never did again (I still have her and she's 9 now), and a gecko that ovulated, laid 2 clutches and then took a 6 week break before resuming ovulation and laying another 6 clutches or so. I leave my males and females in breeding groups the whole season so it's not an issue with me. At the moment I have 4.8 breeding with the following results:
1 female veteran has laid 2 clutches
3 females have laid 4 clutches each
1 female constantly looks as if she's ovulating but nothing has changed
2 female first-timers have laid their first clutch within the last week
1 female has laid numerous infertile clutches for the second season in a row



New Member
Bucks county, PA
ok, i just found today that my leopard gecko has stated ovulation. There is a pink circle about the size of an eraser in the center of her stomach surrounded by a few other smaller pink circles. But she still won't accept the male. Is it common during early ovulation to refuse to breed yet?


New Member
Yup, she'll be ready when she's ready. You can reintroduce them later, but not too often as to not stress out the female. I usually give mine 5 days before trying again.

If you have a first time female, sometimes they're spooked by the whole ovulation deal so it takes longer for them to accept the male. Just remember this isn't something that can be forced, and there's no guarantee things will work out, or the female will ovulate or get gravid, or that the female will produce fertile eggs. Exercise extreme patience when it comes to breeding, you go according to them, it can't be forced.

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