Paper Towel Mayhem


Wayward Victorian Girl
Steel City, Ontario, Canada
So.. This is a first. We've had the little guy for about 4 months now, and he's suddenly decided it would be more fun to wriggle under the paper towel we're using for substrate, than sleep in the nice moss-filled hide we have for him. He's done it 3 or 4 times now, after we accidentally left his hide out after mixing him up some more moss a few days ago (we put the hide back in less than a few hours later, but at that point he was already under the paper towel).

How would you suggest I remedy this?

We'll be tiling his tank with gecko friendly, heat conducting tiles hopefully soon. But until then, I don't want him crawling under there and possibly hurting himself or getting too cold, as he's sneaking under on his cool side and there's quite a few things on the floor of his tank.


Wayward Victorian Girl
Steel City, Ontario, Canada
DAWNoftheLEO said:
No way. geckos can even split multi layer towels if they really wanted to, just my opinion.Does light get in the hide??

No. No light gets in his hide, and it's a coconut, just the right size for him to feel secure and safe. It's been in the same spot, so it's not like we've rearranged his cage on him recently or anything. The entrance for the hide faces away from all light sources, and other than the last couple of days, that was his favourite place to hang out.


one of my females likes to do that to, she did it a lot for a few days then she started doing it less and now maybe like once a week ill see her under there. i didnt really think there was anything to do about it, if the gecko likes to be under the paper towls then i dont see a problem with it.


Wayward Victorian Girl
Steel City, Ontario, Canada
hondawingsfly said:
one of my females likes to do that to, she did it a lot for a few days then she started doing it less and now maybe like once a week ill see her under there. i didnt really think there was anything to do about it, if the gecko likes to be under the paper towls then i dont see a problem with it.

Thanks. :) Maybe he's just being a bit of a rebel. I'm watching him wander around now, and he's trying half-assed to get under. We'll just keep an eye on him.


Lake Effect Leos
Traverse City, MI
Maybe try to add another hide. Not only will it add something else to weigh the paper towel down to make it more difficult to get under, but it will also offer another option for somewhere to hide that isn't under the paper towel. Just a thought. ;)


New Member
The paper toweling I use comes unperferated in a roll 20'' X 100' from Fisher Scientific. It is made to line lab benches and has a textured absorbent top layer and thin plastic liner.
I use double stick tape, and tape it down to the floor around the edges.
My leos cant get under it, unless they tear a hole in it, and that would be too hard for them to do because this stuff is tough.
It's expensive, but it's hands down the best thing I have ever tried.

I have not tried tile yet, that will be my next step.

If your leos are getting under it, and you dont want them too, just tape the edges down :main_yes:

But if they like it under there, well, it is their home isnt it??


Website Creator
York, PA
nats said:
The paper toweling I use comes unperferated in a roll 20'' X 100' from Fisher Scientific. It is made to line lab benches and has a textured absorbent top layer and thin plastic liner.
I use double stick tape, and tape it down to the floor around the edges.
My leos cant get under it, unless they tear a hole in it, and that would be too hard for them to do because this stuff is tough.
It's expensive, but it's hands down the best thing I have ever tried.

I have not tried tile yet, that will be my next step.

If your leos are getting under it, and you dont want them too, just tape the edges down :main_yes:

But if they like it under there, well, it is their home isnt it??
That is a great idea...purely Leo proof.
But I do suggest you try tile. You and Heather should.
I went to Lowes and got $.39 12"x12" tile. My tank is 30"x12" so I needed one of them cut, and they gave me 2 free cuts with my purchase. Any cracks you have you can fill in with rolled up paper towel.


New Member
thekooliest said:
That is a great idea...purely Leo proof.
But I do suggest you try tile. You and Heather should.
I went to Lowes and got $.39 12"x12" tile. My tank is 30"x12" so I needed one of them cut, and they gave me 2 free cuts with my purchase. Any cracks you have you can fill in with rolled up paper towel.

Yeah mine are 30 X 12 too, but that's the outside dimentions.
Inside its more like 29 1/2 X 11 1/2. So I would need alot of cutting if
I got 3 12 X 12 tiles.

I'm just to lazy to go to the Home Depot in person and do it!!
Even though, the store is only about 1/2 a mile from my home!! :main_rolleyes:


New Member
thekooliest said:
Do it. Its cheaper and easy to clean.

Oh I am going to do it for sure :main_yes:
All 3 of them will get tile.
I pass a Home Depot twice a day going to work so someday next week
I will pop in there and get some.

So, do you glue the tile down with something, or just lay it in there?

Sam, did you see the pic of the tremper jungle I got from Jason at Eye Candy Geckos?
I paid for him already (yep, more money, LOL!!) and should receive him
For me this will make 3 leos, 1 female mack snow, a male rainwater albino mack snow, and this new one.

One of these days I am going to post pics of all my leos.

Did you ever post a pic of your tank with the tile in it?
I would like to see it :main_yes:


Wayward Victorian Girl
Steel City, Ontario, Canada
Thank you everyone for all your help! I've decided I'll just let him go under there for the next couple weeks until I tile his tank, and make it all awesome for him. Gonna add a spot to dig, some new hides, another level, and of course the tile. I'll post pictures once it's all done. :)


Website Creator
York, PA
nats said:
Oh I am going to do it for sure :main_yes:
All 3 of them will get tile.
I pass a Home Depot twice a day going to work so someday next week
I will pop in there and get some.

So, do you glue the tile down with something, or just lay it in there?

Sam, did you see the pic of the tremper jungle I got from Jason at Eye Candy Geckos?
I paid for him already (yep, more money, LOL!!) and should receive him
For me this will make 3 leos, 1 female mack snow, a male rainwater albino mack snow, and this new one.

One of these days I am going to post pics of all my leos.

Did you ever post a pic of your tank with the tile in it?
I would like to see it :main_yes:

I just lay it in there, it is a pretty snug fit. I kept the two outer tiles 12"x12", and made the inner one _"x12" (don't know how wide)...but I made it a little shorter than necessary and put rolled paper towels on either side of it. Therefore it is easier to remove the tile to do a good cleaning of the tank.
I haven't seen your new Leo, don't know if I have seen any of them.
How long have you had them???

I also need to take pictures soon because they are almost 2 months :D


New Member
thekooliest said:
I just lay it in there, it is a pretty snug fit. I kept the two outer tiles 12"x12", and made the inner one _"x12" (don't know how wide)...but I made it a little shorter than necessary and put rolled paper towels on either side of it. Therefore it is easier to remove the tile to do a good cleaning of the tank.
I haven't seen your new Leo, don't know if I have seen any of them.
How long have you had them???

I also need to take pictures soon because they are almost 2 months :D

Yeah I do like that tile. It makes the tank look alot neater than just paper towels it there!
Those gaps are kind of big though, as picky as I am, I wouldnt like that! :p

Let's see, I got my first one, my mack snow about the last week of July and the male rainwater a few weeks later.

I do have some pics, but they are old and where taken by the breeder.
I will post them. I have to post them one at a time because I get errors
if I combine them.

This first one is my female, Newpy:


New Member
Actually, I just realized I should post these in the "show off your leos" thread.

I dont want to hijack this thread and make the OP mad!! :D


if you have an angle grinder with a ceramic blade on it that thing will cut your tile no problem, just draw a pencil line to follow and make sure you do it outside, it makes a lot of dust


New Member
hondawingsfly said:
if you have an angle grinder with a ceramic blade on it that thing will cut your tile no problem, just draw a pencil line to follow and make sure you do it outside, it makes a lot of dust

Not sure I know what a angle grinder is, except I dont have one. :D

I have a Dremel tool, and that's about it!


haha i dont think a dremel will do it, but you can also score the tile and snap it like glass.

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