

I'm baaaaaack!
Many farm supply stores will carry Nolvassan aka Chlorhexedrine (I think that's how it's spelled, I can never remember) ... it's usually near the cow milking equipment. You can also use a little bleach, but you'll want to make sure to rinse everything VERY well.


New Member
Thank you very much guys. I really appreciate the advice and help and info. This is as bad as when my beardie had coccidia a few years back :(.

Anywho, I'll get some of that stuff while I'm out and about today running errands and start reeeaaaallly disenfecting everything.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
should i have a place for her to lay her eggs? would that help?
YES!!! One of the most common reasons females become egg-bound is for a lack of an appropriate place to lay them. I use Cool-Whip containers with a 2" diameter hole cut in the top with about 1.5-2" of moist sphagnum peat moss inside. If your female is anorexic and straining, she is in a potentially fatal condition! Give her warm water soaks, and perhaps a half an eye-dropper of mineral oil to help her pass the impaction.

I'm fairly sure she had to treat all of her geckos for worms a few years back.
Actually, I had a problem with pinworms that I thought were infecting the geckos, but it turned out to be from cricket feeders and showing up in the gecko's fecals. I did treat my entire collection with Panacur anyway.

Keep in mind that parasitic infections are transmitted through oral/fecal contact. This means that anything that comes in contact with the feces, drinking water, etc. can potentially spread the infection. This means uneaten feeders as well! Let's say a cricket eats the feces of a gecko that has hookworms and another gecko eats that cricket, this could easily start an epidemic.

Fastidious cleaning is critical. Change the paper towel substrate every time the gecko defecates. Clean and disinfect the water bowl, hide, and enclosure every 24 hours in Nolvasan, and rinse thoroughly. Straight household ammonia (need ventilation) or 10% bleach solution will work as well, but are not as safe to use. Remove any uneaten feeders, and NEVER share or recycle anything between geckos and enclosures.


New Member
So any uneaten mealies in the dish basically I just discard?

Edit: Couldn't find Nolvasan while I was out anywhere and the only T-rex stuff I saw was mild disenfectant which is just supposed to kill bacteria, but isn't really a strong product :S. Is there an online place where you guys get this stuff? I'm going to use soap and water and bleach for the time being until I can find something better...

Edit ...again: When you used Panacur Marcia did you notice any change in their stool? I'm curious because after administering the Panacur all of my leo's have a very soft stool, not liquid, but very soft past-ish. I imagine that a lot of it has to do with the worms, but I'm curious if perhaps the Panacur could have an affect on this as well.

Thanks lol.
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Angel is still impacted and straining. However she is more active today than she has been in the past couple of days. i went and bought peatmoss today and made a little area for her. She seems to like being in there.
Mineral Oil? Not quite sure . . . do i get this at the drug store? Is there a certain brand?

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