Wow, now anything I come up with for my 1,111th post is going to be utterly disappointing! No, I didn't hatch a Bell PA or a Bell BB. If I did, how could I possibly not post that immediately? If I found one of those in the incubator at the same time as my head caught on fire, I'd get a picture posted before I even thought about putting out the flames. My first leo eggs were just laid on 1/1 so it will be a long time until anything hatches anyway.
And yes Russ, it is hard to type while wearing mittens.
Well, I was kinda waiting on some striped amel fat tails to hatch,
but it looks like they've decided to take their time.
Anyway, I guess this will just have to do.
This is "Stella" my Enigma.
Now, excuse me while I go freeze to death all in the name of education.
Like I said in the other thread, a Mack Snow Bell would definitely be the best choice. Then next year you can hatch Enigma SS Bells and also cross your possibly triple homozygous Enigma Mack Snow Bells to some BBBs and PBAs. You'd get the first quad homozygous leos the following year. LMAO! Good luck Paul!
Wait until you have a male to breed to color and pattern morphs.