It's so great to have a bird section here, as my number one passion are the feathered friends
I use to work at a privately owned exotic bird store and I was in charge of handfeeding. I hand fed birds from lovebirds to macaws and cockatoos
I hand fed this one little Red Bellied Parrot and he was sure a little meanie. His younger brother was sweet and playful, but this little guy wanted nothing to do with people. A woman did buy him while he was still hand feeding, but decided to switch her bird to a "nicer" senegal.
Ever since then, I worked with him to get him a little more used to being handled, and before you knew it, we were both in love! It's a true Cinderella story, as I would have never thought of bringing him home. It must have been fate
We have been inseperable since and he's just my little cuddlebug. He says over 25 different words, mostly in phrases, so he love to chatter to himself all day long. He's a little over a year old now, and it's almost his first year anniversary of him being home (I bought him home October 2007 when he was a little over 3 months)
Here he is! (In corresponding order to age )
Here he is at his first day home. He's a little over 3 months old
His first Christmas
After a nice warm shower
Almost a year old
On his one year hatchday! (July 20th)
He's a real goofball
And my best friend
I use to work at a privately owned exotic bird store and I was in charge of handfeeding. I hand fed birds from lovebirds to macaws and cockatoos
I hand fed this one little Red Bellied Parrot and he was sure a little meanie. His younger brother was sweet and playful, but this little guy wanted nothing to do with people. A woman did buy him while he was still hand feeding, but decided to switch her bird to a "nicer" senegal.
Ever since then, I worked with him to get him a little more used to being handled, and before you knew it, we were both in love! It's a true Cinderella story, as I would have never thought of bringing him home. It must have been fate
We have been inseperable since and he's just my little cuddlebug. He says over 25 different words, mostly in phrases, so he love to chatter to himself all day long. He's a little over a year old now, and it's almost his first year anniversary of him being home (I bought him home October 2007 when he was a little over 3 months)
Here he is! (In corresponding order to age )
Here he is at his first day home. He's a little over 3 months old
His first Christmas
After a nice warm shower
Almost a year old
On his one year hatchday! (July 20th)
He's a real goofball
And my best friend