People with websites with nothing listed and say email for availability



I know that at work we say "email for availabilty" due to our warehouse programs and buyers we get our products from. Not knowing what somebody wants with out the email saves us time from the millions of part numbers and special order retailing.

Not only that but in many cases there are MAP's (marketing alternative policy) which prevents under retail pricing of big corps that buy product in mass. and sets a substancal bar for the small shops like us. So we try not to directly post or prices to defend the policy.

And it also stop the bull crap spammers from wasting our time.

but i really dont think any of those things apply to small gecko business.

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
NaughtyDawg said:
Just out of curiosity, how many people here actually design and maintain their own website?
I design and maintain a handful a sites, including this one and my own. I've also designed a bunch of other breeder sites, but I showed them how to maintain them on their own. I'm always around to help though.

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