PetCo- Buy two get two free



Jeeeezeee... Im pretty upset. I was at PetCo getting some feeders when I walked by the gecko tank and saw a large juvi gecko with the entire head of this hatchling in its mouth.

I started banging on the glass hoping it would release it. It didn't. I ran around, with my large rottweiler in tow, looking for a store employee. It took too long to find someone in this understaffed store. So finally I yell to the guy at the register,"Hey, gecko is trying to eat other gecko", and he puts out a call on the store intercom. So the manager and the assistant manager meet me there. The manager said this happens all the time.....the new guy was shocked. The manager gets them apart and I say,"listen, it looks like its in bad shape but I'll take it so atleast it can live alone." then I notice this other poor little hatchling with half his tail chewed off. They both are having severe shedding problems and I think it was their first shed. I talk to the assist. man. who is new and he is really interested in knowing more about the geckos. The manager comes back and after listening to me babble about why the hatchlings and the larger ones shouldn't be kept together, he says, "I'll let you adopt them out if you buy two....."
So I caved...

and bought these two guys who are in pretty good health considering they are small also. They both ate when I got them home and pooped. Mind you, I have them all quarentined away from my other geckos.

So the manager starts to play with my dog while me and the assit, man talk more about geckos. He really seemed to have a heart and wanted to know all I could tell him in the hour I spent there. The tank was about a 20 long and had a divider slider in the middle top, so i suggested that they divide the hatchlings and the older ones. The manager said he couldn't....I even offered to stay there and do it for them. He said no. There were a good 20 hatchlings mixed in with about 7 geckos that looked almost 4 months old. I suggested that they throw in 3 more hides so atlest the babies could hide. he said no. I offered to buy some hides to throw in...he said no.

I suggested cage carpet to the assit man and told him why sand was bad for the babies.....and he said he was going to call his district manager and bring it up to him.

The manager finally got it, that I knew what I was talking about and revealed the distributor. He said he wished he could do more, but the upper management gave him direct orders. I left my # with them and they said they would call me if there were any more that they would adopt out. I told him that these hatchling, in my oppinion, where to small to be in a pet store just yet. One of my new hatchlings, hatched bigger. Its such a shame, I think im going to write a letter to corporate and attach the pictures. When I got into the car I opened the box with the injured geckos and the one that still had his tail, had one of his back legs in his mouth at the base of the leg. I tried to get him to let it go and he wouldn' I pulled it out thinking it would surely be broken and he wouldn't last the night. He seems fine today. He was running around and his leg seemed fine. His eyelids and jaw are swollen from having his head in another geckos mouth.....but I gave them both a warm bath and peeled all the skin off with tweezers and gave them some slury and put them to bed. They are full of life this morning and even ate I feel i won a small battle. I better get another rack asap.

Sun Reptile Distributors.....anyone hear of them?

This is the PetCo where I got Alani, the amazing orange gecko. $24

Maybe we can compile a large letter with all of our PetCo experiences and sent it to them. If the just did a few things different, than maybe they wouldn't have so many sickly geckos to deal with. The manager admitted that they have one die almsot every night and no one ever wants to buy the chewed up ones. DUH.


Deliriously Random
I worked for a PetCo in Texas for a short stint. The people that work their are underpaid and under appreciated. I was working 10-12 hour days. PetCo Corporate has instituted a lot of changes that I have seen aren't going followed. The only reason we followed them was because we had inspections once a month due to the fact that we were on the "Broken Store" list (meaning we weren't making enough profit, enough animal sales, and had too much theft). Anyways, I remember most of the things that we were supposed to be doing for the Leopard Geckos in detail -- just because at the time that was my focus.

1. Animals of equal size were to be housed together.
2. Any animals with stuck shed or injuries were to be pulled immediately.
3. Humid hides, humid hides, humid hides! (Our store was the only one that I have seen to date that put humid hides in with the geckos, but it was a STORE WIDE mandate!)

Those are the three main points that none of the stores ever follow. As far as the distributor, I've never heard of them. Also, bring to the manager's attention that HE has the final say-so in what animals he brings in. The store near me here in GA will NOT order any hatchling sized leopard geckos, but only juvi's, which I commend him for, but even they don't put humid hides in!

Hope that helps...

EDIT: As far as the sand -- it plays a key role. People see it, and buy it, period. That's the only reason it is there is for sales. PetCo will never change that.

The NY Gecko

Don't Get So Carried Away
Rochester, NY
Why doesnt PETA ever get involved. As much as I disagree with some of their ethical choices and what not, I still value them for this reason alone. Youd figure with enough harassment upper management would crack down on all the stores, whats it going to take, a lawsuit where petco loses half of its resources to get the picture.


PeTA wants pet ownership banned entirely. Any legislative action they would take against PetCO would only be for the purpose of halting all sales of animals as pets and would have nothing to do with humane captive care because PeTA doesn't believe it to be humane to keep pets in the first place.


The NY Gecko said:
Why doesnt PETA ever get involved. As much as I disagree with some of their ethical choices and what not, I still value them for this reason alone. Youd figure with enough harassment upper management would crack down on all the stores, whats it going to take, a lawsuit where petco loses half of its resources to get the picture.
I am not a PETA supporter their V.P. would be dead if not for animals and testing she has IDDM. I Don't think the group is bad but I think they might mislead people about things. If PETA had their way none of us could have a gecko.:main_thumbsdown:
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frustrated mom
Brooklyn, New York
peta only destroys animals they are being taken to court for killing over 1400 animals they believe no one should own an animal


New Member
moved from texas to italy
if i will be able to do what i whant i close all pet shops aroun the world..
animals need to stay with whot take the correct care of them....

..i can't read more post like this...i hate pet shops


I had a local pet store open about two miles from my house in 2005 when I was beginning to research snakes again. I'd go there fairly often to check out their snakes. As I did more research, I realized that they were doing a lousy job with many things. I remember finding one ball python that was dying. I just wanted to see him, but when I picked him up, I could see a couple of problems. I insisted that he should go to the vet, and the manager did take him. Unfortunately, it was too late to save him.

One of the problems was that they didn't have any employees who weren't afraid of snakes. Because the employees were all afraid of snakes, they didn't change the water very often. For a while, when I visited once a week or so, I'd get every snake out of its cage one at a time and ask someone to change water. Eventually, I just changed some water on my own.

One of their snakes won my heart. While I hate to support a store that doesn't do well, I wanted this guy and didn't want him left in that store. For a long time, he was the only snake that left that store alive and lived for more than a week. They eventually did better, and they sold some snakes to good owners. I think they still have one or two that no one wants.



Sorry for bumping an old thread...

When I was at Petco today getting my leo his new tank and supplies, I noticed that their leos didn't have a moist hide. All they had was ONE small rock/cave hide for the 3 that were in the tank. It was pretty much pointless to have the hide since the back was up against the glass so you could see them. They had NO dark at all in the hide! It was so bright in the tank and they looked miserable

Also...their staff knows nothing about leos. I asked this guy what I should feed my gecko as a main diet and he said wax worms. What a :dunce:

I feel bad for they way they house the animals...most of them aren't housed correctly at all... :(


ByRandom said:
3. Humid hides, humid hides, humid hides! (Our store was the only one that I have seen to date that put humid hides in with the geckos, but it was a STORE WIDE mandate!)
Curious, when did you work there? i worked for Petco for almost a year. I wa the Reptile C.A.S. I remember that there were nothing that i could order for the store that could even be considered a humid hide. I just misted the entire cage regularly so they didnt go through bad sheds.


I was kicked out of the Petco in Stratford CT and told never to show my face in there again or they will call the police.

Why was I kicked out and threatened to have the police called?

I cost them a sale. They tried to sell a corn snake and an iggy to a young kid and his father along with one of those plastic critter keeper things with the handle on top to house both in, that green carpet, crickets for food (baby corns eat crickets according to Petco), and a heat rock. I interupted the sale, explained what was wrong with what they were being told and what they were about to buy and they left to research a bit before making a purchase.

I was told never to come back again.

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