Phelsuma - Lighting and Heating Question


New Member
Dayton, Ohio
I'm new to Day Geckos and planning on getting my first my late next summer. I plan on making a custom built enclosure out of melamine and sealed so it doesn't rot from the high humidity requirements of most Phelsuma species. I am very confused on what lighting is good for a Day Gecko. I am looking at getting either a pair of quadriocellata, Standingi, Laticauda, or Kochi

I've heard a lot of controversy on the compact fluorescent bulbs and that they cause eye problems and stress in a lot of other reptiles but I haven't heard anything about them causing problems with Phelsuma. I wanted to mount the lights inside the enclosure. Does anyone here use the Repti Glo 5.0 compact fluorescent lights for their Phelsuma? I also wanted to get the Repti Glo 2.0 because I wanted to add some Pothos, Bromeliads, and Tilliandsia and I was wondering would this be adaquete as well for the plants? Would that be too much light for a Phelsuma? If they are not safe to use, what are some other lights I can use? Sorry I have so many questions, I really just want to be on the safe side.

As for heating, what do you guys use for daytime heat and nighttime heat if needed?


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I heat through the lights and when it's not summer I have red heat lights. Get "Day Geckos in Captivity" by Leann and Greg Christenson and read it carefully. THat's what got me started.


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