Anybody ever had a crestie that won't eat any form of CGD? Mine only eats crickets and the CGD that I use to give him a moustache, but that do get old, ye know?
How old is this gecko? and how long have you had it?
Younger ones seem to prefer crickets and that should change with age over to CGD. If this is a new geckos to you someones else might have been feeding baby food. In that case it could take a little time for the gecko to make the change.
I would continue to offer CGD. If the problem persist you might try mixing in a little baby food too, then weaning off. Good luck
My young ones much prefer roaches over cgd. I dip the roach in the diet and feed it to them that way, plus I leave it in their cages 24/7. I notice that they really start eating it more often as they get older. My oldest few cresteds pass up roaches most of the time now and only eat the cgd.
I personally raise my guys as insect free as possible to insure the not wanting to eat CGD isnt an issue. All my babies this year have had crickets and roaches once and only once.
How old is your gecko? Juvies dont eat a whole lost so if you see poop, your gecko is eating it fine. You could try other types of CGD also, repashy makes a part two diet that you can switch up the flavors if your gecko isnt the fondest of the original. I have 1 male and a female garg who dont enjoy the normal stuff but they mash on the mango part 2
yeah just switch to the paper towels. Like I said juvies dont eat a whole lot. So with the paper towels you can monitor the feces and if you see it, it is eating the CGD