pics of eye lid deformity (sad)



so I snapped these last night. he had his first shed, ate his first shed and the yolk sac fell off. Hes pretty healthy, except for the eye lids. They look almost as if the eyelids are fused together. I think I will take him to the vet very soon. There may be something that can be done before he starts growing and gets less flexible.




The one I hatched looked almost identical to that. I kept the eyes moist (eye drops, not the allergy kind, use natural tears) and the terrimycin. It worked wonders. The vet might tell you to go ahead and put it down, I guess it depends on how "herp savvy" he or she is.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I don't think the eyelid deformity is too severe. As long a the baby is able close it's eyes is should be fine. If they don't have any eyelids and can't close their eyes, their eyes will dry up and become blind. If the eyelids seem to be fused closed, you will need something to hydrate the eye like NeoPolydex ophthalmic ointment (you can get from the vet). You can also use a Q-tip with a tiny bit of mineral oil or even Bag Balm (in the pet department at Walmart).


Luxurious Leopards
I WOULD TAKE IT TO THE VET. THere are many eye oinments but none shouild be used until the get a chance to look at it. Many of the eye oinments can cause ulceration if there is a cut/scratch on the eye. A simple stain done in their office can take care of this. IF the oinment used has a steroid in it, and there is a cut it is a HUGE mistake. The most common eye oinment used on leos is BNP, a nonsteroidal oinment(great stuff).

This ointment is also great is a leo has had a bad shed and the eye dont look quite right. And again in the case of a bad shed there is a GOOD chance a scratch can be on the eye.
Now with that said here is my Im a vet tech in a vertrainary hospitol and nothing above is meant to be medical In other words dont put anything on your leo without knowing its full effect. Just consult your local vet.
All it takes is a tiny cut and the wrong oinment can be detramental to the leos future, or atleast his sight.


Luxurious Leopards
Sorry I just thought of a great story. I had a leo hatch 7 months ago look almost exactly like the one you picture. I used BNP twice a day for 2 weeks and he is now a perfectly normal adult, with absolutly no problems.

Sorry wanted to give my success


I never said that I was a vet but I have used the terrimycin on many animals, mostly reptiles with great success. They sell it on reptile sites so I would assume there would be no problems as long as you use it correctly. I do think that the deformity can be fixed without a vet visit but of course that is up to you.


Luxurious Leopards
NO one ever said anything about you thinking you were a vet. All i suggested is to take it to the vet for them to prescribe the right ointment. There are tons of drugs on the web that you "can" get that you shouldnt be able to, but thats how the world is. For instance simple products such as heartgaurd for heartworm in dogs can be purchased by anyone at petmeds, but did you know that can only be prescribed by a vet after heartworm testing. There are ways to get anything, that doesnt mean it is the right drug for the job.
No one is saying terrimycin isnt the right drug either just that a professional should have a look to make sure. As a very smart woman once said..."if you cant afford the vet you cant afford the pet"...(that woman is


I know, I didn't mean it as if someone thought I was a vet. I was just simply stating it as a disclaimer. The ultimate decision is up to Nicolenadia, I was just giving her my two cents worth and my success story.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Pat, can you post pics of the male that you had eye issues with? I'd love to see a success, as too many fail to do well when they have eye issues. Thanks


Thanks everyone for the helpful advice. Luckily, I have access to one of the nations top herpetology vets, Dr. Stahl, who is right down the street from me...

What does BNP stand for? If I can't get an apointment right away, I will ask the Dr. what he suggests in the meantime, and most likely, he will reccomend this eye ointment.


nicolenadia said:
What does BNP stand for? If I can't get an apointment right away, I will ask the Dr. what he suggests in the meantime, and most likely, he will reccomend this eye ointment.

i worked at a vet for three years, and we used a lot of bnp on dogs and cats. BNP is a sterile ointment containing Bacitracin, Neomycin and Polymyxin B, hints the name BNP. its used for treating bacterial eye infections. they also have BNP-HC which has a steroid in it, Hydro Cortisone, Which you DO NOT want. you may be able to pick up some bnp from your local drug store over the counter, since all it is basically is a neosporin type ointment which you would use on cuts. just ask for the antibiotics and read the labels on the back until you find one containing just those 3 things.

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