Hmm, I can't think of a better title....anyway, I made a very simple light box for photographing my geckos (thanks to Brian's link in this post), I don't have a light yet, the whole thing was just placed next to a window. Here are the first attempts:
Here is Gel, I took about 20 pics of him and only had 2 that he isn't moving (urr...maybe his head moved a tiny bit in the second pic...); how do you guys get your gecko to stay still for you?
Then a couple pics of Hardees, I managed to snap a shot of his red eyes!
Here is Gel, I took about 20 pics of him and only had 2 that he isn't moving (urr...maybe his head moved a tiny bit in the second pic...); how do you guys get your gecko to stay still for you?

Then a couple pics of Hardees, I managed to snap a shot of his red eyes!