My little female fattie is about 14 weeks old. Healthy, growing, eats great, no issues of any sort, thank God. I brought her to a herp vet a couple days ago for a "well visit" - just to get established with him and make sure I liked and trusted him so that if ever I've got a problem with him, I'll know where to bring her. As part of this visit, he ran a fecal. Called me yesterday to let me know she has pinworms. Said they grade them on a 0 - +4 scale and she was +3. He suggested that I worm her with Panacur (3 doses, each given a week apart). He acknowledged that it was controversial as to whether to treat them or not, but he felt that sometimes there may be other worms that aren't as easy to find and is worth doing the worming.
? What do you all think? I know I've read here that pinworms shouldn't be treated unless the animal is symptomatic (she's not), but I've also read here that people worm them prophylactically, too. In this specific case, what would you do?
And... are the kind of pinworms geckos have transmissible to people? I sure don't want them, plus I've got a 4-year-old. (And yes, we're careful with hand-washing, but would like to know anyhow.)
? What do you all think? I know I've read here that pinworms shouldn't be treated unless the animal is symptomatic (she's not), but I've also read here that people worm them prophylactically, too. In this specific case, what would you do?
And... are the kind of pinworms geckos have transmissible to people? I sure don't want them, plus I've got a 4-year-old. (And yes, we're careful with hand-washing, but would like to know anyhow.)