pit-bull saddness


Don't Say It's Impossible
Gainesville, Fl
Matt and I are looking to adopt a dog or get one from the Humane Society. We went yesterday and 95% of the dogs where pure or half pitbull! It was so upsetting for me to see this! They were ALL sweet and loving and were so happy to have us pet and love on them. Our apartment complex doesn't allow pits or pit mixes. It was very heartbreaking for me to see how many pit bulls are given up just because their owners have kids and are afraid their dog will turn on their child (I hate ignorant people sometimes!). I think a bunch of the females in their were rescued from breeding fighters. :main_angry:

But the sad thing that gets me over all of this is that most of these dogs won't get a loving home. I wish we could provide for everyone of them. :(


New Member
They're not necessarily given up because the owners have kids and are afraid the dog will turn. Many times owners don't know how to handle or train the dog but got it initially for ego or guard (even though they're VERY poor guard dogs). Many times they're forced to give up the dog becuase they have to move and the new home or apartment doesn't allow the breed. There are so many other reasons that people give them up because they have kids and fear the dog will attack the kid... Unless the shelter workers told you that every one was given up for that reason, it's kind of poor of you to assume that of people. Sorry.. Just my opinion. But you can't always assume that people think that way. There are so many other reasons than just that. Most reasons are the same of giving up any other dog.

I hate ignorant people all the time. Ha. Especially in regards to "pit bull" type dogs.

By the way, I've heard people bringing in "pit bull" mixes to apartments that don't allow the breed by telling the apartment that it's just a mutt, or it's some other breed mix, and sometimes they'll fall for it. Ha. But, usually, like in BSL cases, they'll stretch to find reasons to accuse a dog of being of "pit" decendants.
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When we moved into our very (horrible) snooty townhouse community we werent allowed to have pit bulls, but we told them JD and soco were mutts.(I to this day am not sure how we ever got away with it, since JD is huge and totally looks like a pit) Those idiots fell for it and we never had a problem...as a matter of fact JD would always go up and lick this one little kid everytime we were outside and the kid came around. I think the mother almost had a heart attack everytime it happened. :D I love it! People totally do not understand this amazing loyal and gentle hearted breed of dogs.


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
Kimjorg said:
When we moved into our very (horrible) snooty townhouse community we werent allowed to have pit bulls, but we told them JD and soco were mutts.(I to this day am not sure how we ever got away with it, since JD is huge and totally looks like a pit) Those idiots fell for it and we never had a problem...

That's how I have Abbie in my apartment comlex! They never even looked at her, they just took my word that my dog was a Mutt, I told them I adopted her from a shelter when she was a young puppy.


New Member
New Jersey
Unfortunatley not alot of people are prepared for the attention that pits want and ask for. Having one myself, the worst I could ever do to her is deny her attention. I am lucky to have a laid back one, but if she's bored, there better be something acceptable for her to chew on. They love exercise and do require it. I am also lucky to have a dog park 5 minutes from my home where she is loved by everyone. Alot of times when people move or buy a home, the insurance won't cover them for the type of breed they have. If they do, it's going to cost alot. My family and 2 best friends were very upset when we got Q-tip for my daughter as her birthday present last year. They believe to this very day that Q will bite her. Never mind that I had to euthanize my Whippet for being aggressive to my daughter when she was 2 and my cat for biting her twice(as much as there is supervision, it can still happen, it just happens so fast). I have a 17 yr old dog as well that my daughter is told to not bother because I know one day he will lose patience. The bedroom is the animals' safety room and my daughter is not allowed to go in there without one of us. She knows when they go in there, it's their way of saying they want to be left alone and don't want to be bothered. I am lucky to not have a dog aggressive pit, but some people can't handle it if one is. They get too scared of seeing their dog being aggressive with anything. Some dog's personalities are like that. With proper training and handling on both owner and dog, even those with certain aggression problems can be good for the person that owns them. People have to know how to handle their pets, not just anthropomorhize and treat them like children. That is too often a mistake I see. I love my pets, but they know that when it comes to rank, it's mommy, daddy, child, cats and then the dogs. I enforce that heirarchy daily and I feel that is what makes my household run smoothly.


Don't Say It's Impossible
Gainesville, Fl
goReptiles said:
They're not necessarily given up because the owners have kids and are afraid the dog will turn. Many times owners don't know how to handle or train the dog but got it initially for ego or guard (even though they're VERY poor guard dogs). Many times they're forced to give up the dog becuase they have to move and the new home or apartment doesn't allow the breed. There are so many other reasons that people give them up because they have kids and fear the dog will attack the kid... Unless the shelter workers told you that every one was given up for that reason, it's kind of poor of you to assume that of people. Sorry.. Just my opinion. But you can't always assume that people think that way. There are so many other reasons than just that. Most reasons are the same of giving up any other dog.

I hate ignorant people all the time. Ha. Especially in regards to "pit bull" type dogs.

By the way, I've heard people bringing in "pit bull" mixes to apartments that don't allow the breed by telling the apartment that it's just a mutt, or it's some other breed mix, and sometimes they'll fall for it. Ha. But, usually, like in BSL cases, they'll stretch to find reasons to accuse a dog of being of "pit" decendants.

Yes, most tags said the dogs were given up because they were too rough or dangerous for children. A few others had no comments for being at the shelter.

It was very sad to see all of the sweet dogs there.

I agree that people need to be better educated before buying one of these dogs. Poor babies!


New Member
malt_geckos said:
Yes, most tags said the dogs were given up because they were too rough or dangerous for children. A few others had no comments for being at the shelter.

It was very sad to see all of the sweet dogs there.

I agree that people need to be better educated before buying one of these dogs. Poor babies!

That's actually pretty odd. I still say the shelter workers could have put the tags there with that versus 95% of those dogs all being returned for the same reason. That just doesn't make since. Yes their breed. WhoopDeDoo, but that just seems odd that the majority of all the dogs in the shelter were returned for the same reason. I'd say it's the worker's claiming that so that the dogs don't get housed with kids and become a potential liability. Personally, I wouldn't believe it. That ratio is too high for all those owners to decide the same thing. Rough, maybe as they do play rough but not nearly all of them being dangerous.

Jeanne said:
That's how I have Abbie in my apartment comlex! They never even looked at her, they just took my word that my dog was a Mutt, I told them I adopted her from a shelter when she was a young puppy.

I really hope you don't take offense, but the first time I saw a picture of Abbie, I thought she was a mix. :-\ Her head shape threw me off guard.

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