So my leopard gecko was sitting in its warm hide when I got home. I noticed when i went to touch its tail because it was hanging out of the window of the hide, she did not move a muscle. Finally, she came out to eat and after eating 2 crickets, she started to shake her tail nothing like when she would prey on food. This is a slow waving motion straight up in the air similar to a dog wagging its tail and she consistently does it until I either pick her up, or she stops after several minutes. She was also frantically jumping as if she were trying to climb the walls and was running like crazy both things she has NEVER done before. I took her hides and structures out 1 by 1 and the behavior did NOT change. She is currently sitting in a weird position like an S shape and her heart is beating fast. She is what we guess is about 8 months old and we have had her for about 6 months. Any suggestions would be great. Her temperatures and humidity are fine and she has hides on both the cool and warm sides.
Warm sides range from 88-93 and cool side is 72-76.
Warm sides range from 88-93 and cool side is 72-76.