To determine the snow, either hatchling pics are needed or test breeding. As far as sunglow goes, no since this animal not only has some pattern on the head, the body is not super hypo. This gecko is a patternless stripe.
I'm not entirely convinced (based on the tail) that it's a stripe at all. The tail looks banded. The body stripe looks kind of like a reverse stripe. If the tail was truly banded, I'd call it an aberrant.
I'm saying that in my opinion, a true APTOR has no pattern on the body, though some people may call any albino gecko that looks orangish or stripish an APTOR. Based on what I can see of the body and the tail (and bearing in mind that it's harder to determine the true pattern of an adult as opposed to a hatchling), I'm assuming that there is some striping on the body but that the tail is mostly banded. Usually only a gecko with broken bands (which is what striping really is) on both the tail and the body are called "stripes". So it does seem to me that it's an aberrant tangerine (-ish) albino as opposed to an APTOR, but I can see that it's possible that some people may still call it an APTOR.