Plexiglass Tubs

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
So I built my rack system a few months ago and designed it to hold 16 qt tubs. However, after using the 16 qt tubs for a while, I decided I don't really like them. They don't have enough floor space. I have a small collection and probably will for a fairly good while, so I wanted to increase the floor space to give my geckos more room. I searched for a while to try and find wider tubs that still fit nicely into my rack, and I couldn't find any.

So I thought maybe I could buy some plexiglass and cut it into pieces the sizes I want so I could make them custom to my rack. Does anyone see any potential problems with this

EDIT: I realize this should probably be in Do-It-Yourself. Oops, my bad.
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Staff member
Somerville, MA
Check out Look at their stackable tanks. They are front-opening and are half the height of a regular tank (e.g. the 10 gallon is 10"x20" but only 6" or so tall). They can also make custom sizes (I get half height 29 gallon enclosures). I put mine on shelf units. My only complaint is that the hinges have deteriorated on some of them after a number of years.


Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
Yeah, it does seem like kind of a lot of work. I found a tub size online that I may be able to use. It seems to have a bit more floor space than the 16 qt ones, but not a lot. I might go with those for right now, though.

Aliza, that does seem like a useful site, however I'm looking for something a little more cost effective. I'm a college student and don't have tons of money to put into this. I have enough for the cost of my collection and money for any medical emergencies, but I doubt I could buy one of those every time I added a new gecko. Maybe if I manage to make some money off of breeding than I could begin to upgrade, but for right now I can't afford it with my part time job. I do like those stackable tanks.

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