breed leos
what would the prise be again
ludothegreat said:This sounds like a great idea, I would participate just to get my photoshop skills back up to par.
chamillionair said:well i think this site should have a sig of the week contest each week,since you might not kno what a sig is i will post a few my friends have made, but the ones i am posting are not gecko related, but, if this site had a sig of the week, one week could be leopard gecko, another could be tokay, etc, etc, an you determine who has the best sig be all of the people on the site voting , also this is a great way to show others on the site how creative you can be, also on another site i was one who liked entering the sig of the week, so i think i would be a great moderator for this section, if this site has moderaters:main_cool3:
this one is from google \/ \/ \/
this is one my friend made \/ \/ \/