Poo question


Okay, so the new Leo I got for my friend I am assuming may be sick. Overall it looks physically fine, clear eyes, vent, and nose, running around, etc. The only reason I think something may be wrong is because of their poo. There will be around 4 a day. First one is all white and small, second is normal poo, third is like the first, and the last one is all brownish, and looks as if it were a fluid-like substance before it dried... and I've heard anything other then normal poo is bad. So, what do you guys think?

About your leo:
- Unsexed
- Age: About 3 months I was told Weight: Not sure
- I've had the leo for less then a week
- I bought it from petco from a friend, thoug I told them prior there is a chance tehy could be sick

A) Health/History
- Only times its been held was to put it in the cage, and get it out of the cage at the pet store
- Is your leo acting any different today? If so how does he/she normally act which differs from now: No, they're acting like they have the last coupe days, overall they seem fine
- Has he/she had any problems in the past, if so please describe: N/A
B) Fecals
- Describe: Okay, this is what I'm worried about. This little guy will have a normal poo, then two small all white, then an all black one that seems liquid-like, and it isn't well formed.
- When was the last time he/she went: Today
C) Problem
- Please briefly describe the problem and how long it has been going on: This poo thing. Since day one that I got him/her.

A) Enclosure
- 2o gallon
- Type: Glass
- Type of substrate: Paper towel, it was a repticarpet at the pet store
- Hides, how many, what kind: Three, one moist, and one on hot and cool side.
B) Heating
- Heat source: UTH
- Cage temps: Hot side: 90-95ish usually Cold: 80-85ish
- Method of regulating heat source: Turn the UTH on or off
- What are you using to measure your temps: Heat probe
- Do you have any lights: No
C) Cage mates
- How many: None
- Describe health, or previous problems: N/A

Describe Diet:
A) Typical diet
- What you're feeding: Mealworms, but being they're still adjusting i cant give a staple answer, they've only eaten once.
- How are you feeding: Hand, with my other two leos I've had no success in leaving it in a dish.
B) Supplements: If they were to eat, Respashy, and every other meal
- What vitamin/minerals are you using: Repashy
- What are you gut loading food with: Carrot, potatoes and oatmeal.


Back-woods Gecko
New Hampshire
Sounds to me like your gecko is being taken care of well. I have only one question: Are you providing the gecko with a calcium supplement? It is recommended that leos be provided with a shallow dish of pure, powdered calcium at all times. In addition to the pure calcium, feeders should be dusted with a calcium supplement containing vitamin d3.

The all white excretement you describe sounds like urates (solidified urine) to me. This is normal. The loose feces your gecko passed could have been caused by a number of things such as stress, diet change, or parasites. It is always a good idea to have new arrivals' feces tested for parasites.


Yup, I do indeed have a calcium dish in there, as I do for my other two geckos. Speaking of stress, I wouldn't be surprised if that was it. They're around what... 3 months? and they were at Petco for some time before my friend decided they wanted it for their birthday. (It'll be in their house within the next week) So, I suppose that may be it. I do want to do a fecile though.
As far as the white, I know its basically their version of urine. One time on here someone said they had a gecko with only that, and another user said "go to a vet NOW" so I thought maybe something may be wrong xD I'm a worry wort, that's for sure.

Thank you very much by the way :)


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
Youngsters poop a lot. Yours sounds well hydrated. It doesn't sound like there's really a problem to be alarmed about. You haven't had it long enough yet to see any established habits, give it time to adjust to its' new home :)

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