Possible neurological issue


New Member
I have several juvie beardies. In the past day or so one of them has kind of started to spaz out as you pick it up. Its about 3 mos. old. Its head trirls, and it becomes all herky jerky. Once I set it down it will move over to a spot where it can lean up against something in the tank. It then lays motionless. Any suggestions? I know they occasionally will turn into "stargazers" but after this amount of time I'm kind of suprised.


New Member
Miami, FL
Could be hypocalcemia (low calcium) but could also be Adenovirus, which is very common in bearded dragons...one of the big symptoms is stargazing & similar movements.

Google Adenovirus in Bearded Dragons, and let me know if you think you're seeing any of the other symptoms. I would list them, but there are just way too many.

The thing with Adenovirus is, it acts like about a million other diseases that dragons can have too. It's important to rule each possibility out one by one if you want to get to the bottom of it.


New Member
Miami, FL
Also it's very possble that the food you are using is too large. Baby bearded dragons MUST have properly sized food, and can have neuromotor problems when fed insects that are too large.


could they be dehydrated dr? just asken.. my beardies when they were young used to get twitchy and stuff and the dr said to add a wider variety of light and sunlight then told me to give them pedalight i think is what it was prob didnt spell it right but hope this may help its rough watchen them get sick.

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