Possible new beardie owner, absolutely no idea on how to care for him. HELP!


New Member
Wales, U.K
I'v just had a phone call from a friend regarding a beardie she has just inherited. She is quiet happy to keep it aslong as she can afford what is needed. From what I can gather it's not in the healthiest of conditions right now and she knows less than I do about this little guy, ( which isn't alot atal)

It's quite possible that she is not going to be able to afford what is needed so she's asked if I would be happy to take him if this is the case.

So, my question is, can someone piont me In the direction of a GOOD care sheet/information page, or possibly shower me in your own wisdom incase I end up with said, possibly unhealthy Beardie.

All I know at the moment is, apparently, the previous owner took it on a few weeks ago after a vets visit witch ended in a few shots and advice suggesting alot of nutrients and whatnot. This is just what iv been told and maybe incorrect I'll have to find out more.

It's around 30cm, flat looking and deprest lol. Again not my words I haven't seen him yet.

It's currently housed on newspaper, the nutrients were never bought by the previous and I'm not sure what heat source its using ATM

I'd appreciate any advice, even if I didn't take her myself, I'll be passing all the info I learn onto the current owner.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Also check out www.beardeddragons.org for caresheet and forum.

As far as reading caresheets, I would recommend reading 3 and noting which info is the same throughout and which info differs. Then ask some questions about the differing info. In some cases, there are just more than one way to do things but in other cases, serious problems with the advice in the caresheet may invalidate it.



New Member
Wales, U.K
Okay, thanks I'll be searching alot tonight :)

I'm over my friends house now and this guy looks like there somthing wrong for sure. It's had a vets visit 2 weeks ago like I said in the OP but this dragon hasn't moved since I got here. It's layin flat on it's stomach and can't seem to use it's legs. I'm told that it was walking last night but nothing right now, if anything it seems limp. Showing no intrest in food from what iv seen, also it's looks dull and dark compaired to ones iv seen in the shops. I would also say it's fully grown.

Any ideas?


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
In addition to other things, the dragon is likely dehydrated. Give it a warm shallow bath. I took in a couple rescue dragons not long ago, there's a thread documenting some issues and progress in this forum section.


New Member
Wales, U.K
She also tells me that when she went over to the pet store earlia today the lady there, who I also know, offered to take her as an alliterative option if she couldn't find a home.
I'm thinking maybe this would be a better option in this case, she's got alot of dragons along with meny other reptiles so she is going to have a much better chance getting him back to a health state. If I had alot more knowledge on dragons I'd take it but I think maybe this would be best for the dragon.

Iv seen I'm trying to walk now and it's more like a short scuttle with very little distance made. Wish I had a better idea on them :( going to educate myself want ever happens


New Member
Wales, U.K
This is the thing, she recieved it yesterday complete with set up from someone ells who received it from someone Ells two weeks prire to that. I think he took it under he impression that it was sick, why I don't know. He hasn't the first clue on any reptiles what so ever. Anyway like I just said, two weeks later he decides he don't want it and dumps it on his sister, my friend, who has it now. Confusing I know.
Anyway to answer your question, just a UTH, NO heat lamp, NO UVB lamp. The 4ft wooden tank looks more like a hutch than a beardie home. I wasnt imprest when I called round, but its not her fault. Really annoys me when I see people keeping animals with special needs COMPLEATLY unaware of what those needs are. But what can you do.

Thanks again for the replies, iv learned a little about beardies and I think iv sparked an intrest. I think I'll do somemore research and get my own little beardie someday, I'm just not ready to take this one on :) I know the lady who's going to take him tomorow and I hope he turns out okay.

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